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my family 英文作文?? (80-100字)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 01:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 20:26

My family People says family is society in miniature. I am agree about that. In my family
I have father
mother and elder sister. Unfortunely
I am the youngest member. My father plays as a chief executive officer. His usually works are giving order to other family member. For instance
he always order my sister and I to wash all of the dishes after dining. My mother play as a role under chief executives officer as she does the same actions like my father's. I and my sister are grass roots in the family. We need to do and finish every mission given by the ministers. We must do what they want in order to survive. We had tried to fight for our freedom and right
but we failed because we were no as powerful and rich as they are. I particularly remember what my father said to us. If you do not obey our orders
we will stop giving you pocket money as well as providing you a shelter. Then
our revolution end up in punishment. I want to grow up as soon as possible. So that I can have the power to fight against my parents. There may be some grammar mistakes in my article
please be careful 2015-03-31 22:29:33 补充: I found a grammar mistake I the following sentence My father usually works are giving order to other member. Correction: My father usual/(general) work are giving orders to other family members
参考: Myself
----------My Family(80-100)--------- -----We are children of the same parents.My sister p6
myself brother p4 are members of my family. -----My father owns a Country Villa
the royal house
near Aberdeen Reservoir
and owns a very big and famous Chinese Restaurant in Old Main St. Aberdeen. -----Dad&Mom are manager and A/manager of our restaurant. -----All the wider set of relations of relatives and tribes descended from greater Aberdeen are employed by my father&are a loyal family. -----After t.school we go to restaurant for lunch.and go home for homework.I shall inherit all the property and family fortune as descendant and manage the restaurant as Old Main St. Aberdeen son figuratively !But what shall I do in the mean time after school ?
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