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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 15:15



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 00:03

Jane is twelve years old.She comes from the United States.She has a mother father and uncle.Her mother is a nurse.Her mother has black hair,she is thin and tall.Her father is a doctor,He has two blue eyes. He wears glasses.He is fat and tall.Her uncle is a police.He has two blue eyes and brown hair.He is tall and thin.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 00:03

Jane is an American.There are four people in Jane's home.Thay are mother,father,
uncle and Jane.Jane's mother is a nurse.
She has black hair.She is thin and tall.Jane's father is a doctor.He is fat and tall.He has two blue eyes.Jane's uncle is a policeman.He is thin and tall.He has two blue eyes and blownhair.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 00:04

Hello!Everyone!My name is Jane ,I'm from America and I'm a American .
I'm 12 years old . My parents is very nice ,I love them.My mum is very beautiful . She is a nurse in the hospital.She has got black hair and eyes.She is very thin.I love my dad too.He has got blue eyes and he is a doctor in the hospital.I have got an uncle,he is a policeman.He has got blue eyes and beige hair.I love them very much.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 00:04

Jane is an American girl.She's twelve.She has a happy family.They're her parents and her uncle.Her mother is tall and thin.Her mother's hair is black.And she is a nurse.Her father's fat.He has two blue eyes.He wears glasses.He is a doctor.Her uncle is tall and thin too.His hair is black.His eyes are blue too.He's job is policeman.This family is very happy!
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