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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 15:15



热心网友 时间:2023-09-03 22:08

Today I am very excited, I want to accompany my sister to go to college, I want to go to Wuhan!
The train pulled in. Oh, the original car is a car pulled the other section, a section of a section, good long good long. The appearance of the car is white and white, into the inside of the car is nice and cool, clean and tidy, with good service, too.
Came to Wuhan, everywhere is the broad street, a steady stream of cars, crowded, and everywhere is high-rise buildings, also look not to come over, see the other side and missed the that side, dazzling, dizzying.
Follow dad and sister into the back of the University, the tall teaching building, the broad stadium, surprised me, "wow" sound. Our school here is simply immeasurably!
We came to Happy Valley. Happy Valley's game equipment is really advanced ah! 60 metre "space planes" tall and long "speeding" thrilling and stimulating the "rapids flood" and "hurricane flying chair" Samba balloon "magic windmill"...... All kinds of entertainment projects to see my dazzling. I and my father came to 'the torrent poured into the game equipment ready to experience a, play the game really multi ah, have lined up a long queue. Finally my turn, let the staff to be aboard tourists wearing a raincoat, safety belt check each visitor, found no problem, let go of the gate, the ship with water slowly forward, took nearly two minutes to reach a gradient of 80 degrees, the boat uphill when I felt the boat to turn over the same, scared I clutched the safety handrails, scream four, managed to ship to a platform, to the most exciting place, looking down from, a little dizzy, suddenly the ship quickly rushed down, scared people are afraid to open your eyes, only ear heard the wind whistling and you scream, a few seconds after the ship down to the advection area, I just opened my eyes. Even though everyone was soaked to the skin with a raincoat. This is really thrilling and exciting 20 minutes of the trip ah!
My father and I went to the Hankou sea. The polar oceans of the world, to see the true polar animals, Penguin not only plump a, king penguins, penguins, eyebrow Penguin...... There are so many kinds of penguins! In "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea" saw the beautiful jellyfish jellyfish that body looks soft and swim away all over like dance like, it is so small and exquisite dancing is so beautiful. Looking at I with the action of jellyfish put up, suddenly pulled my father gave me a, I was forced to wake up, with Dad see the white whale Museum, polar bear museum, Museum of sea lions and dolphin Hall...
My trip to Wuhan was over, and I was sitting on the train and recalling every happy moment in the past.
瑞安市塘下航达汽车电器配件厂怎么样? 意尔康公司总部地址在哪里 I only wish to face the sea, with spring blossoms是什么意思 征信五级分类是什么?被纳入黑名单有什么影响? 你好,如果诈骗分子利用你隐私视频和盗取你的通讯录好友威胁你要钱的话... ...对方有我的私密照片还有通讯录,要求我给他五千,要不然就发我家人,我... ...现在已经一个月没有性生活了。但是她平时对我很好 是怎么了?_百度... 女人半年没有性生活正常吗 谁能用英语给我写一段游戏里面的征婚启事? 征婚启事用英文怎么说? PC鬼泣3特别版风格技能出招表(百分求) 风车字幕组的柯南怎么样 鉴证实录中曾家原送给宝言的风车是哪一集啊?觉得那个风车特漂亮,想弄个... 西游记孙悟空救出朱紫国皇后是哪一集 新版西游记中孙悟空与白骨精恋爱的在哪一集 1000万现金一年利息多少,多久到账 ...逻辑题 1.什么是同一素材性质判断间的对当关系?请写出每种对当关系... 逻辑中对当关系各应用什么规律,为什么 三星21买个手写笔可以写字吗 三星s21ultra有哪些黑科技详细介绍 三星s21ultra有手写笔吗详细介绍 眼影妆初学者教程眼影妆怎么化 张彬彬和吴倩第几集在一起 爱能智亚董事长金凤与裴蕊什么关系 张彬彬现在有女朋友吗? 东方电气尹守军年龄 风力发电是谁投资的 梦见爬山鞋子丢了 精辟走心的心灵鸡汤 红米k50密码管家不能同步 山西汾西矿业(集团)有限责任公司中盛煤业分公司怎么样? 苹果手机可以同时登两个吗? 山西汾西矿业一煤矿废弃井筒坍塌有几人被困? 张国钧的科研项目 ...洗干净放起来了,等下次再拿出来还是会变黄为什么? 想在广东省级刊物上发表信息技术方面的论文评职称,请问哪里比较好? 主任医生和妇科教授哪个职级高? 新乡市中心医院妇产科主任医师、住院医师哪个级别高 欢漫酒店(芷江汇丰店)在哪里 因为是女子歌词一行韩语一行中文 请问【因为是女子】韩语怎样写,谢谢! 《因为是女子》的韩国语原文歌词和汉语翻译~~~!! 谁可以提供一份韩语版的因为是女子那首歌的歌词 云南建工钢构公司在昆明具体什么位置? 《头号通缉令[无限流]》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源 新州旧街花朝节今年开吗 希望你别让我失望的意思是什么? 放疗后六个月了白细胞3.14正常吗? 我很看好你,希望你不要让我失望?什么意思? 靖西有什么新闻