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求一首the day开头的歌曲

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 14:46



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 21:04

肯定是The Day YOu Went Away,是英国m2m组合唱的,特别好听

热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 21:04

  the day
  歌手:pray for the soul of betty 专辑:self-titled
  "The Day"
  Why...don't you...pick today...to be the day
  That you...decide...for the first time not to lie
  Do you talk to death
  Overfed and programmed
  What's the pain on your head
  Of the world's eye
  You can't let it go
  You can't let it go
  Pray for the Soul of Betty
  You can't let it go
  You can't let it go
  And if you can't find your way to a better world
  Set your will inside
  All the inside's live within your mind
  I've been to the ends of the earth and
  I've seen what it means to be dead and
  This land is the best from the west, man
  Rise up, pick your line of distraction
  Why...don't you...pick today...to be the day
  That you...decide...for the first time...this is your life
  You can't let it go
  You can't let it go
  You can't let it go
  And if you can't find your way to a better world
  Set your will inside
  All the inside's live within your mind
  I've seen what it takes to be free, man
  Be bold, let go of the ....(?)
  These things can be had with a strong hand
  Take what you want, it's yours, you can't let it go
  Take what you want, it's yours, you can't let it go
  Take what you want, it's yours, you can't let it go
  Take what you want, it's yours, you can't let it go
  Take what you want
  It's time, it's time, it's time, it's time....

  the day everything became nothing
  歌手:nomeansno 专辑:the day everything became nothing
  The day everything became nothing, I was standing underneath a
  streetlight, wishing I had a cigarette. I can't recall anything
  unusual about it. If there was something in the air, if the skies had
  clouded over, I wasn't aware, I was too bored to care. No thunder
  roared. No lightning cracked. No missiles rained from the sky. This
  was no sneak attack. There was just suddenly this awful lack. Things
  had changed, that's for sure.
  The day everything became nothing, you couldn't put your finger on
  what had gone wrong. The alleys were still dirty; the garbage still
  smelled; there was no panic in the streets; just a lot of grief--in
  This was no apocalypse. No one heard a voice from the sky, there were
  no miracles at the 7-Eleven, no one screamed, no one even asked why.
  It was just like everything had somehow, quietly died. So let it die!
  I can't recall much of what happened next. I was on my way to visit
  this woman I knew. All we had in common was good sex, and now I
  couldn't even remember her address. A group of us, just strangers,
  got together and we formed a committee to discuss the problem. We
  talked about things like assured mutual destruction and emotional
  responsibility. I couldn't remember my name, so I called myself Bob.
  It's weird being a Bob, but I'll get used to it. I have to.
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