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wife her歌词 有谁可以帮帮忙么??

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 09:34



热心网友 时间:2024-01-16 02:02


[Verse 1:]
She's the type of chick 她就是这么一个少女
Can't live without 你离不开她
take her home let her meet your momma 要求你带她回家,让你母亲见见她
Won't trip when your phone rings off the hook 当你匆匆挂掉电话的时候就愿意去旅行
Ain't with that extra drama 不愿意去看额外的戏曲
Overlooks the fact 审视着这些事
that sometimes you don't know how to act 有时候你不知道该做些什么
when you get a little tipsy or trippin or flippin 当你又点醉意,有点迷糊,有点失去理智时
she sucks it in 她开始放纵情欲(愿意翻译成中文太粗俗,所以。。。。)

can keep her cool 可是她却可以保持理智
won't show out on you while you around your fellas 不会在你与朋友见面的时候显示出她的放荡
find some more pics of you and your ex's 找一些你和你前女友的照片
and she don't get jealous 并且可以不嫉妒
even when you get locked up 即使把你和前女友关在一起
you can call her up 你也一样可以打电话告诉她
she's there for you 她是天生注定和你在一起的
that's the kind of girl you need 这才是你需要的女孩
one that you can wifey 一个你可以娶得女孩

sometimes you don't know how what you've got有时候你不知道自己拥有什么
'til you lose what you've got 直到你失去拥有的东西才明白
when you should just wife her 你应该娶她
don't wait too late 不要等到晚了才后悔
you'll miss a good thing 那样你将失去一件美好的事
go and get the ring 去拿到戒指
and tell her that you wife her [x2] 并且告诉她 你要娶她

[Verse 2:]
the type of chick that wont get slick 她就是这么一个少女不懂得圆滑世故
and keep you from your kids 把你和你的孩子分开
wont get buck wild and clown 她不会招惹*和小丑
now she's telling all your biz 现在她正跟你谈商业
a queen you don't have to crown 她就是你世界的无冕之后
she knows how to hold it down 她知道怎么压制
likes to feel you inside her 喜欢去感受在她心目中的你
and she tells you don't give out 并且要你保持秘密

even though she's temporary 即使是暂时的
she keeps it tight just like your married 她也要装做像你现在的夫人一样的矜持
she'll be the same without the ring 她模仿的惟妙惟肖,除了没有那个戒指
cause she knows how to play the game 因为她知道这场游戏规则
and when you can't do without 所以知道你什么时候不遵守游戏规则
she maxes out the cards for you 她给你高分的卡
that's the kind of girl you need 这个就是你需要的女人
one that you can wifey 一个你可以娶的女人

sometimes you don't know how what you've got 同上
'til you lose what you've got
when you should just wife her
don't wait too late
you'll miss a good thing
go and get the ring
and tell her that you wife her [x2]

[Verse 3:]
She'll fix your credit 她将重新得到你的信任
but the Jordan's on the debit 只是JORDAN(你的名字)会留在账单上
better pay her back 最好帮她还了这帐
but she insists that you don't sweat it 然后她又坚持说你不用心
she's no groupie 她不是想与乐队成员有性关系的少女
tell me I'm her one and only 说我是她的唯一
ghetto superstar 贫民区的巨星
on the right next to my heart 在我心的右边

sometimes you don't know how what you've got 同上
'til you lose what you've got
when you should just wife her
don't wait too late
you'll miss a good thing
go and get the ring
and tell her that you wife her
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