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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 21:02



热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 16:48

She hangs out every day near by the beach 她每天躺在海滩边的吊床上 Havin’ a HEINEKEN fallin’ asleep 喝杯海涅肯啤酒便入睡 She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand 漫步在沙滩的她看上去如此* Nobody ever put a ring on her hand 她也不接受任何人的戒指 Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea 海边游泳海里捕鱼 She is the story the story is she 她就是传说传说就是她 She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky 她向天上的月亮和星星唱歌 Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why 那样高高闪耀着你又怎么知道为什么 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum 她哼着小曲打着圆鼓 She comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone 早上出现晚上就不见 Every little hour every second you live 你活着的每分没秒 Trust in eternity that’s what she gives 都相信永恒因为那是她带来的 She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne 她看上去像Marilyn,走路又像Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne 她说话则像Monica和Marianne She wins in everything that she might do 只要她愿意她可以得到一切 And she will respect you forever just you 但她永远都尊重你只是因为是你 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She is so pretty 她如此的美丽 She is like you and me 她就像你和我 Like them like we 像他们像我们 She is in you and me 她就在你我中间 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 (She is the one) She is the one 她就是 (That you never forget) That you never forget 你永远都不会忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 She’s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world (oh...) 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 Na na na na na ….

she must be the reason why God made a girl 噢,她就是上帝制造女孩的原因 She is so pretty all over the world 即使走遍全世界她也是如此的美丽 She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum 她哼着小曲打着圆鼓 She comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone 早上出现晚上就...


She is the one that you never forget 她就是那个你忘不了的人啊 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 她是来自天堂的天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl 哦,她才是真正的原因,上帝为 什么造女孩 She is so pretty all over the world 她是世界上最可爱的人 She...


She hangs out every day near by the beach 她每天躺在海滩边的吊床上. Havin’ a HEINEKEN fallin’ asleep 喝杯海涅肯啤酒便入睡 She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand 漫步在沙滩上的她看上去如此性感 Nobody ever put a ring on her hand 她也不接受任何人的戒指 ...

Lady gaga的一首歌 《She》的歌词 和中文翻译

She is like you and me 她就像你和我 Like them like we 像他们像我们 She is in you and me 她就在你我中间 She is the one that you never forget 见过她你便永远不能忘记 She is the heaven-sent angel you met 见过她你便知道她是天使 Oh, she must be the reason why God made...


She is in everything I sight is in everything I say is in everything I write is in everything I play She is the stay of my demise She is the one who makes me whole is the water in my eyes is the fire in my soul She will render me unarmed In my surrender be ...


With a match burning in a mirageThis heavy rain to escape through their ownPanic no one traveling the road MangThe tsunami swept away my loneliness With a feeling for a friendGood-bye every one cut a woundHiding in the streets beyond redemptionHaving understood a smile turning back...




我很喜欢这首歌 可谓是百听不厌。总让人想起些割舍不下的事情。。翻译可能有点误差哦 Selects a christmas card to inscribe the words which Man Man prays for heavenly blessing,what the address writes is the moral nature,you can receive it,the day cold wind a little is a little ...

...Sweet to Talk To》中文歌词,不要机器翻译的哦,谢谢~!

如果你有时间我随时奉陪 我想要你,我不想要忘记 如果你离开了我一定会神不守舍...我想要你,一个贴心的能诉说的人 我不想又被困在路上,我只是想要你多留几个小时 我又回到了原点,不再选花了,只是观望 加上孩子们最后也没什么事 如果你有时间,我随时奉陪 ...

谁有田馥甄唱的《she's the one》的歌词以及中文翻译???

我们曾经犯错We were fine all along 我们曾经一切都好If there's somebody calling me on 如果有人召唤我She's the one 她就是那个人When you get to where you wanna go 当你离开的时候你要去哪里And you know the things you wanna know 你知道你想知道的一切You're smiling 你在微笑When...

英文歌曲she的中文歌词 she英文歌中文谐音歌词 she的歌词中文翻译 英文歌曲《she》 she英文歌音译歌词 she英文歌翻译表达的是什么 she的英文歌词 she英文歌歌词意思 she翻唱的英文歌
长沙悦涛文化干什么的 吉林省弘扬文化传媒公司怎么样?公司待遇怎么样? 脂肪肝跟肝内胆管结石.哪个会影响.入职体检 你好,我想请问一下广汽本田入职体检,查出肝内胆管结石会不会拒绝... 肝内胆管结石,肝功能正常,会影响公务员入职体检吗 vb交换数组 ...从键盘输入的10个整数,存入一维数组,将前后元素依次对调后打印输出... 找一部9几年的国外影片 华丽的外出电影别名叫什么 《法国啄木鸟》系列电影的别名是什么? 鱼缸这个管子是干什么用的? 鱼缸底滤三个缸,最左面一个一个粗的管子,中间是细的带个阀门,我开 底滤鱼缸中有个放水的管子是什么作用 黑执事第二季中,封存Alois Trancy的灵魂的戒指存放在名为什么的茶罐_百... 北方冬天卧室房间空调温度多少合适(南方冬天室内睡觉温度多少合适) 买鱼缸送的白色的圆柱东西是什么 黑执事第二季为什么我看不懂 这个鱼鱼缸叫什么过滤,鱼缸里立着那圆管叫什么,有卖的吗 亚洛斯·托兰西(Alois Trancy)的日文名字 这货的名字! 攻城掠地寻迹的开启条件 攻城掠地174怎么升王朝 道教有哪些女神 there,for,the,bamboo,less,is,now,pandas连词成句 蝶泳 菲尔普斯训练 最长游多少米 小学六年级作文50字:会飞的鱼 作文会飞的鱼和会游泳的鸟 ...和 therefor 有什么区别吗?如果有请说明下,有例句最好, i will stay there for造句 窝头配咸菜下一句 新买的水族箱里面那根管子什么用,怎么会横在鱼缸中间? 多才多艺的男生容易吸引女生吗? 魏大勋会唱歌会演戏,多才多艺的男人更受欢迎吗? 在东莞包食住,月收入6500属于什么水平 我工资6500高吗包吃住 你们觉得月薪6500的工资包吃住,高吗? Windows10修改编辑hosts文件后无法保存的解决方法【图文教程】_百度知 ... hosts文件修改后无法保存怎么办 win764位系统修改hosts文件后不能保存的解决方法 win8.1修改不了hosts文件怎么办|win8.1无法保存hosts的解决方法_百度知 ... 魔兽世界怎么去掉天赋点(我已经学习了)我到后面发现自己有很多天赋点选... 电话线发圈掉到厕所里会堵住吗 win8系统怎么截图和保存 卫生间怎么有电话线和强电线 酒店卫生间有电话线是不是呼叫总台用的,还有床头柜的电话线和卫生间的... win8系统怎么窗口截图|win8窗口截图的方法 电话线发圈掉到厕所里 会堵吗 点歌机连接声卡,手机直播歌词怎么同步 必须由爸爸来告诉孩子的8句话 左关节粉碎性骨折是不是轻伤