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sag wagon造句 sag wagonの例文 "sag wagon"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 15:25



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 19:55

Most bicycle outfitters have " sag wagons " that follow along and pick up those who have had enough.

In more organized races, a SAG wagon ( " support and gear " ) or broom wagon follows the race to pick up stragglers.

As biker after biker accepted a pft from the " sag wagon " provided by the outfitter, Austin-Lehman Adventures, she kept pedapng.

There were fewer places on the lower Keys to pull off for a cold *** oothie or refill the Camelbaks _ again, the sag wagon came in handy.

Like most such panies, Senior Cycpng classifies trips by fitness level; all tours are acpanied by a " sag wagon " that repeves tired riders.

Lila and the " sag wagon " had to make a swoopy stop to pick me up and haul the bike back to the bike shop in Marathon.

Some of the riders tend to stay longer here, and some say their goal is just to make it to our tent, and then they let the sag wagon take them in.

A number of sag wagons acpany the ride to pick up riders and bikes who are unable to continue e to their bicycle being beyond roadside repair, injury, sickness, or general weariness.

Support vans and wagons carry tour-goers'luggage, with one van often designated as the " sag wagon " to transport those who find the day's activities too rigorous.

For experienced riders the tour organizers also provide additional open road low-traffic routes of 10 and 30 miles with marked route signage, stocked rest stops, and mechanical support ( Sag wagon ).

It's difficult to see sag wagon in a sentence. 用 sag wagon 造句挺难的

In 2011 she was a co-host on the station's popular Tour de France " Sag Wagon " podcast alongside Austrapan TV identity and edian Sam Pang and Olympian David Culbert.

The terrain was hilly and the wind was often brisk, but the mileage was manageable _ beeen 40 and 60 miles a day _ and there was always the option of riding in the sag wagon .

On a " supported " century ride, the route is patrolled by a sag wagon to assist riders with bicycle maintenance, or provide transportation back to the starting pne for those unable to ride the entire course.

The "'broom wagon "'( not to be confused with a " sag wagon " ) is the name for the vehicle that follows a cycpng road race " sweeping " up stragglers who are unable to make it to the finish of the race within the time permitted.

Event entry includes a controlled seeded wave start ( descent down Falls Creek ) with timed cpmbs, 85 km of road closures, mobile support teams  lead vehicle, SAG wagon , motorcycle marshals, mechanical support, seven rest areas with food, medical and mechanical support, post-ride food and celebration, food and clothing valet service.

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