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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 19:20



热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 23:40

Larry Daley is a divorced dreamer whose attempts to start his own business have never taken off. Faced with potential eviction, which would mean moving farther away and potentially losing visitation with his son, he opts to take a job as a night watchman at the museum. To his considerable surprise, the museum exhibits – including President Tedd y Roosevelt – come to life at night. At first, Larry wants out, but his son thinks his new job is cool, so he decides to try to get a handle on the situation. Unfortunately, plot complications arise when the previous night-guards attempt to steal the Egyptian plaque whose magical powers are causing all the ruckus.
This is the kind of movie that works on its pleasant predictability. You just know that Larry will rise to the occasion; the years of business failure will melt away as he regains his son’s respect, and no doubt he’ll hook up with the pretty leading lady . You don’t really want any genuinse suspense here, because that might frighten off timid viewers; the entertainment value is premised on the surmise that everything will work out all right, with at most a little temporary unpleasantness.
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