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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-19 19:47



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 12:19

Dollar payment through the liquidation rate of over 98%
Bank of America was awarded the 2007 "global settlement medals Best Bank in China"
Chase Manhattan Bank's 2007 annual "Global Service Quality Award"
Citibank awarded the "Prize for 2006 through rate"
BIBS through the SWIFT system and the system, I can visit your company to provide all the currency through foreign exchange remittances within 24 hours of receiving.
Short-term liquidity lending rate and loan interest rates based on actual letter variety, with the scale of the letter by letter and flexible way to provide preferential interest rates.
I am your company as a direct marketing lead customers, I will enjoy the trip "green channel" for related businesses to ensure that the first time to give you a satisfactory answer.

~~~~~Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 12:19

US dollar payment's settlement going nonstop to rate achieves above 98%
Obtains for 2007 year which the American Bank issues “the whole world to criticize the Chinese Best Bank medal”
American Chase National Bank's 2007 year “global service quality prize”
The US Citibank issues “2006 year going nonstop to rate prize”

Through the SWIFT system and the BIBS system, my line may provide all curs for your firm the nonstop foreign exchange to remit money in for 24 hours to the account.
The hot money rate on loan and the project-financing loan interest rate may according to the reality with the letter variety, provides the fine rate nimbly with the letter scale as well as with the letter way.
Your firm takes my line of direct coordination marketing the customer, will enjoy my line “the green passage” to handle the related service, guaranteed that gives the answer which in the first time you satisfy.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 12:20

Clear up accounts of USD payment keep a rate to attain above 98%
Acquire bank in the United States distribute of the Year 2007's"world clear up accounts China the best bank medal"
The United States big the Year 2007's"world service quality prize" of the bank
"The Year 2006's keep a rate prize" that Citibank in the United States distribute
Pass SWIFT system and BIBS system, I line can provide all currency a kind for your company of keep a foreign exchange remittance to arrive Zhang in 24 hours.
The short date flow funds lending rate and item lending rate can according to actual use letter species and use letter scale and use letter way vivid provide special discount interest rate.
Your company Be I the line be direct to lead long a marketing of customer, will enjoy me line"green passage" to carry out related business, insure at and at that time give you satisfaction of reply.
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