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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-19 14:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-21 01:49

The spring and Autumn period, Lu made a law, if the people of the state of Lu see compatriots were sold into slavery in foreign countries, as long as they are willing to pay a ransom people, then returned to Lu, the state will give them the compensation and reward. This law enforcement for many years, many people become homeless in other countries of the state of Lu thus saved, therefore can return to the motherland.

Confucius had a disciple asked Zigong, he is a wealthy businessman, he came back from abroad for many people of the state of Lu, but refused to state compensation, because he don't need the money, willing to share the burden of redemption, but Confucius is scold Zigong said more than, Zi Gong that do things offensive to God and reason. The scourge of countless fallen state compatriots. Confucius said: his the doings, although let him win more high praise for themselves, but also enhance everyone on the 'meaning' requirements. Back after those redeem people go to the state money people, not only may never get everyone's praise, and may even be ridiculed, asked why they don't like Zigong as for the country share. Since the Zigong, many people would have to trouble people pretend not seeing. Because they aren't as rich ", and if they ask the state to give a little compensation words instead of being reviled. A lot of people of the state of Lu and therefore cannot return home.追问不好意思啊,刚刚少贴了一段

热心网友 时间:2024-11-21 01:50

During the spring and autumn period, lu has established a law, if LuGuoRen see compatriots are sold in foreign countries as the handmaiden, as long as they willing to pay to redeem man, then return to lu, countries will give their compensation and reward. The law enforcement for years, many diaspora LuGuoRen therefore be saved, so to return to the motherland. There was a disciple named Confucius zi gong, he was a wealthy businessman, his redemption to many LuGuoRen from abroad, but refused to state compensation, because he think they don't need the money, willing to share the ransom for the country people to negative tired, but Confucius was cursed zi gong, zi gong said that harm. Scourge of countless fallen fellow lu. Confucius said, zi gong, is that he earned higher praise to himself, but also the high of the 'meaning' requirements. Those foreclosures after go back country for money, not only may never can not get everyone's praise, may even be laughed at by people, and asking why can't they like zi gong for the sorrows. After zi gong, a lot of people will be representative of compatriots pretend not see. Because they are not as rich as zi gong, and if they give countries little compensation instead of being reviled. Many LuGuoRen therefore not return.


追答Within a certain period of the specific moral standard, if some behavior beyond the common moral standards, then this behavior will be affected by praise, however, when this kind of behavior has become a new measure of moral standards, then this behavior will no longer sometimes praised, even people with no such behaviour will be condemned.

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