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发布网友 发布时间:2022-03-23 13:50



懂视网 时间:2022-03-23 18:11

信号源英文术语,source或者signal source。
  信号源的广义概念性英文术语:source或者signal source;实际运用中,可以用具体的名词比如signal generator、Document Process Calibrator FLUKE 743B等。

热心网友 时间:2022-03-23 15:19

【 spurious signal generator 】

The basic principle of DDS

Direct digital frequency synthesis is using digital technology, through the phase change speed control, directly to proce all sorts of different frequency signal a frequency synthesis method.

The basic structure of DDS is shown in figure 1 shows, it mainly consists of phase accumulators, sine ROM table, D/A converter and low-pass filter composition.

Reference clock by a stable fr proced crystal oscillator.

Phase by N a accumulator adder and N a phase registers cascade constitute, similar to a simple adder.

Each to a clock pulse, the adder will frequency control data with the accumulation of the phase registers output data addition, the addition phase results of the data sent to phase register input.

Phase registers adder on will be proced when the clock function of the new phase data feedback to adder input, in order to make adder next clock under the effect of frequency control data to continue with added.

So, phase accumulators in reference clock, under the action of linear phase accumulate, when phase accumulators when accumulated full amount can proce a spill, completing a cyclical movements, this cycle is a frequency signal DDS synthesis, accumulators spillover periodic frequency is the signal frequency DDS output.

In reference to the clock fr under the control of frequency control word of accumulators tired to get the corresponding phase data, put this data as sampling address to addressing sine ROM table phase - amplitude transform at a given time, can determine the output waveform amplitude.

DAC will digital quantity forms of wave amplitude frequency convert the required forms an analog synthesis, low-pass filter used in signal sampling filter doesn't need to get weight, so determined by frequency control word continuous variation of the output sine wave.

DDS的输出频率f0和参考时钟fr、相位累加器长度N以及频率控制字FSW的关系为: ;
The output of spurious frequency f0 and reference clock fr, phase accumulators length N and frequency control word for: the relationship FSW;

DDS的频率分辨率为: ;
Spurious frequency resolution for the:;

由于DDS的输出最大频率受奈奎斯特抽样定理*,所以DDS 的最高输出频率为fr/2,但在实际设计的DDS系统中,由于输出滤波器的非理想性,一般输出信号的最大频率只能达到参考时钟频率fr的40%左右。
Because the output by spurious frequency largest Nyquist sampling theorem limit, so the highest output frequency DDS for fr / 2, but in actual design DDS system, because the output filter non-ideal sex, general output signal can only be the biggest frequency reference around 40% of the clock frequency fr.

【 traditional signal generator 】

Signal generator also called source or oscillators, in proction practice and science and technology has been widely used in the field.

Various waveform curve all can by trigonometric function equation.

Can proce various waveform, such as triangle wave, sawtooth wave, rectangle wave (including square wave), the circuit is called sine wave function signal generator.

Function signal generator in circuit experiment and test equipment in a very wide range of purposes.

For example in communication, radio, and television systems, all need rf (high frequency) launch the rf waves, here is the carrier, audio (low frequency), video signals or pulse signal carry out, just need to be able to proce high-frequency vibe.

In instry, agriculture, biomedical in fields, such as high-frequency heating, melting, quenching, ultrasonic diagnosis, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, etc, all need power or big or small, frequency or high or low oscillators.

The realization of the function signal generator method usually have the following kinds:

(1) the components with division: it is usually function generator single function generator and frequency is not high, its work is not very stable, not easy debugging.

(2) can be made by the transistor, the op-amp IC etc, more universal device is made with special function signal generator IC proce.

Early function signal generator IC, such as L8038, BA205, XR2207/2209 etc, the functions of them less, precision, frequency cap 300kHz, unable to proce only higher frequency of signal, adjust the way also not enough flexibility, frequency and occupies emptiescompared to cannot independent regulation, both affecting each other.

(3) use monolithic integrated chip function generator: can proce various waveform, achieve the high frequency, and easy to debug.

In view of this, the American beauty developed a new generation letter ICMAX038 function signal generator, it overcomes the (2) chip shortcomings, can achieve higher technical index, is the chip deficits.

MAX038 frequency and high accuracy, good, therefore it is called a high-frequency precision function signal generator IC.

In PLL, vco, frequency synthesizer, pulse width omlatros etc circuit design, selection of devices are MAX038.

热心网友 时间:2022-03-23 16:37


热心网友 时间:2022-03-23 18:12

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