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my favorite season作文,一定要winter的!!!快点作业

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 10:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 09:04

My favorite season is winter.
Because i always feel magical when the sky is falling snow.
The snow is so crystal-clear and beautiful so that me can't stop myself to love it.
At the same time,winter sports will take pelope joy.
Especially skating which give me a feeling of i can fly.
People always say that ‘if winter comes ,can spring be far behind?’,so i think winter is a season which gives us hope.
All of that,i like winter

The other reason why I love winter is it's a huge challenge to forecast ring this time. As we've seen in the last month, mother nature can throw everything at us. Heavy snow, sleet, freezing rain, flooding and then back to snow again. Trying to forecast how much snow, ice, rain and when and where can be a nightmare. But for me and most other meteorologists', it's why we do what we do. It's all about the challenge and the excitement of winter weather forecasting.

Another reason: winter is fun! That's if you don't have to drive in ice and go without electricity. I do not like to see freezing rain and ice storms. They're devastating and extremely dangerous. That's the only part of winter I do not like. Going back to the fun part, you can ski, snow board, tubing and go sledding! Oh and not to forget, making snow angels and snowmen/women.

Ok, now you know a few reasons why I love winter. It's your turn to tell me and everyone why you love or hate winter. Start posting your comments below, I hope to hear from all of you.

My favorite season is winter.
Because i always feel magical when the sky is falling snow.
The snow is so crystal-clear and beautiful so that me can't stop myself to love it.
At the same time,winter sports will take pelope joy.
Especially skating which give me a feeling of i can fly.
People always say that ‘if winter comes ,can spring be far behind?’,so i think winter is a season which gives us hope.
All of that,i like winter.

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