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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 11:29



热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 06:41

My China fertile soil, Zhong Lingyu Xiu, is peony's birthplace, in 1100 in breeding, north Heilongjiang, winter solstice expensive Sichuan, west Tianshan, thing coast various provinces have the cultivation, the variety reach 500 breeding. As decorative plant cultivation, according to historical data record, at least also above 500 years. The people in the long-term cultivation peony's process, already and she tie the deep affection, and has formed one kind of special cultural phenomenon "the peony culture". She contains in the world nationality skill forest, colored culture, people's custom and local conditions and social customs. This is peony's humanities content, the surmounting beautiful and fragrant flowers becomes kings of the ten thousand flowered .
Peony's gathers divine and wonderful spirit of the world, the livelihood Xiu color, Wan Huizi the rhyme, gorgeous solemn, red, yellow, white, green, purple multi-colored, condition extremely beautiful, is my Chinese nation unity, prosperous and powerful, is happy, propitiously, the thriving symbol, had "the national beauty day fragrance" since old times the fine reputation. Is deep the people to like enjoying. All previous dynasties writer literati are many to the peony has only one in mind, chants does not approve already. Take the peony as the theme myth fable, the poems and songs, the eternity will be on everybody's lips ceaselessly, will may be called in the flowered culture. Take the peony as the performance content Chinese drawing and decoration art, was since 1100 loved for my China various races people that, the charm forever will be stationed. The prosperous common people powerful nation, the stable development, is immediately the people numerous hearts looks. The peony natural becomes 100.01 million people "the flowers of the mind". In take the economic development as the center, constructs has the Chinese characteristic socialism in the big environment, fills the fervor to wield sprinkles the painter's brush performance symbol peace, is stable, the splendor, the splendid peony painter inevitably receives people's welcome. Its work also similarly inevitably obtains the broad masses' appreciation.
Peony ecology knowing

The peony plicate leaf has stretches out straight in front of oneself, slanting extends the different shape, after the general stem is long four handles stems, only then can have the bud appearance, each handle stem leaf has three groups of three leaf blades proctions, constitutes three forks nine peonies to have stands erect, half development, develops three kind of shapes, the flower bud has the circle, oblately, the point round, long sharp circle Zhu Xing? the peony has the elegant colored crown, three forks nine leaf blades, a fresh and tender herbaceous stem, the dragon tune is vigorous always does. Its structure mays be called is the collection changes America and the order beautifully to a body model peony , is half woody plants half herb the fallen leaf bush, the ancient altitude may reach two to three meters. The end of spring, beginning of summer blossoms, the peony , only some one to two turns of flower petals, is the simple flower. After the manual cultivation, hybridizes the single flower thousand subgroups flowers. In evolution process, because the flower petal increases the layer difference, appears the different level the flower department shape. Forms from to the lotus, the chrysanthemum, the wild rose, thousand Chinese style pavilions, the request hangs, Jin Huan, the imperial crown, embroiders the ball nine kind of flowers evolution. The stamen corresponding rection or slightly has the petal, the pistil is normal; Similarly has in the evolution process female .
The petal phenomenon, some ovaries are invariable, only the column has the change; Some ovaries and change, turns the flower petal shape. The Chinese peony overwhelming majority variety is the bipinnate plicate leaf, but also has the minority variety is a chapter of plicate leaf. The blade section in a big way has, middle, the small long leaf; Big, middle, division of the small circle leaf. A side small leaf shape has the entire reason, the circle obtuse, incisive, the stern wave standard, the edge whirls around the male trunk and branches, the dragon tune do not be vigorous. After the early spring, sprouts the scale bud, the different variety peony's scale bud shape is different, is divided the circular, the egg circular, the long oval, the long oval, the color also respectively has the difference. Always does the branch which the base the rhizome sprouts to be called Ye Mengnie .
Must create must catch the vivid source material from the life, can long drink the life source running water, can have the discovery, has the creation, can cause flower of never accent the creation to thank. When sketch must carefully choose the image, must embark from the whole, carries on the omni-directional observation, can the integrity grasp the physical image situation, must consider the sketch content and the future will adopt the manifestation will depend on for existence the relations, the strengthening cares for the thing which will display, the thing which the attenuation and the abbreviation will not want to display. The sketch sketch is the life, the movement, fills the survival and the life original condition fast capture vivid method, the main point lies in the heart, the hand, the eye close coordination, the strengthened training to the physical image fast capture ability. If in capture wind clear rain and dew natural environment peony's sentiment condition .

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