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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-03 12:24



热心网友 时间:2024-01-29 15:50

【 #英语资源# 导语】演讲又叫讲演或演说,是指在公众场所,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明,完整地发表自己的见解和主张。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  hello everyone!

  Some people say that youth is the most beautiful movement in life, which deces the most wonderful and passionate time in life; It is also said that youth is the most magnificent masterpiece in life, outlining the most magnificent and unforgettable period of time in life.

  Yes, you, US and they are composing this movement and depicting this masterpiece.

  Because we are young, because we are full of energy.

  All one's life, I have been pursuing light and hope. I don't want to think about whether I can succeed. Since I choose to be far away, I only care about both wind and rain; I don't think about whether there will be cold wind and rain behind me. Since the goal is the horizon, what I can leave to the world is only my back.

  Youth is not as perfect as your ideal, but not as unhappy as your eyes. There may be all kinds of ups and downs and challenges in this process, but there will always be a force to lift up your shaky heart. This force is the positive energy of our youth.

  Perseverance and pursuit of truth are the positive energy of youth in this era.

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  The struggle of youth is a landscape full of sunshine, a fleeting rainbow and a movement played with enthusiasm. The so-called "the bright mirror in the high hall is sad and white hair, like green silk in the morning and snow in the evening" means youth. Youth is both a tempting topic and a feeling. Therefore, poetic dreams, innocent and pure fantasies and carefree days constitute a beautiful picture of youth. But when you look back, you find that in the blue sky and light spring breeze, everything seems transparent, so you feel a transcendent power breaking out at the bottom of your heart, reminding us to move forward forever.

  As young people who have just stepped out of school, we started the journey of our life with our dreams in our hands, a better tomorrow, and the incomparable vitality and passion of young people to be the first.

  There may be many bumps and obstacles in the way forward, but we never lose heart and compromise, because we are young, because we have youth, and because we have lofty ideals and aspirations. If you fall down, you can get up and move on. In the baptism of wind, rain and lightning, it will only make us more mature, braver and work harder.

  "People leave their names behind, wild geese leave their voices behind". Each of us young people are working very hard in our ordinary posts. Youth is the footprints of our progress, sweat is the hope of our struggle, and the smile of the common people is the result of our labor and the driving force of our work.

  As a member of the thermal power sector, we are very proud, very proud, but we are not arrogant or arrogant. We know that we are small and ordinary. We will continue to devote our youth, sweat and wisdom to ordinary posts, sprinkle and innovate

  If you have a hard-working youth, you should have the longing of spring, the prosperity of summer, the romance of autumn and the profundity of winter. Because we are young, we are rich, because we are young, so we are not afraid of failure, because we are young, so we describe tomorrow with hard work.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Youth is not only a sound of praise, but also a source of mission and constant struggle.

  The old man of time sent may again and ushered in another "May 4th" youth day. In this sunny, peaceful and happy life, I can't help but think of those young people who have shed their blood for the democracy, science and independence of the Chinese nation. It is they who stand up at the moment of national humiliation and save the people from suffering with the momentum of turning the tide. In the struggle, young people dare to face the bleak life and face the dripping blood. With their burning passion and blood, they condense into a spiritual torch and ignite the future. How gorgeous this youth is and how shocking this mission is!

  Youth is beautiful. Youth without a sense of mission is anemic youth. Youth is the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. In any era, young people are the most vibrant, creative and vital group in society. How can we fulfill our historical mission and make our youth shine? Let's take a broad view. In the journey of our socialist modernization drive, many models of young people in the new era have emerged. From Lei Feng, a great communist soldier, to Wang Jie, who takes pleasure in serving the needs of the motherland, from Zhang Haidi, a self-taught talent, to Qin Wengui, a scientific and technological innovation... In their ordinary posts, they interpreted the mission of youth with the spirit of the May 4th movement! Performed earth shaking dramas one after another! Composed one magnificent and vigorous hymn of youth!

  As we in the new century, we should establish lofty ideals. People can only enjoy youth once in their life. When a person is young, he closely connects his life with the cause of the people. What he creates is eternal youth.

  Life is only once for everyone, and youth is the only fleeting part of life. I firmly believe that although the meteor is short, it has ignited the most beautiful youth at the moment when it crosses the night sky. Let's shoulder the historical mission and let the blood flowing in our body burst out of passion! Let's all be the shining star under the night sky!

  Students: a strong youth makes a strong country, and an independent youth makes a country independent. It is everyone's responsibility to revitalize the country. Let's act quickly!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Youth, like flowers and fire, is a prelude to our symphony of life. Even if we encounter more difficulties and twists and turns, it is also a useful experience for us. Because it can give us valuable experience. Youth is full, it contains the creativity in life. But it needs to be developed; Youth is beautiful. It condenses the most moving vitality in life, but it needs to be released; Youth is short. It has the fastest melody in life, but it needs to be grasped. Youth is ours. It is the best time in our life, but it needs to be cherished.

  Youth should be cherished. It gives us motivation to move forward. Youth should be cherished. It gives us hope and makes us work harder. If you have youth, you have the power to move forward; If you have youth, you have the fastest melody; If you have youth, you will have the best time.

  Youth is to grasp. Youth is very short. It not only needs us to cherish, but also needs us to grasp.

  Look! Youth, it has spread its wings to us. As long as we like, it can fly with us at any time.

  Listen! Youth, it is shouting to us. As long as we are ready, it can gallop with us at any time.

  Look! Youth, it has opened the embrace of enthusiasm. We should invest in the embrace of youth and grasp this moment.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The title of my speech is: "chasing youth and flying dreams".

  Youth, an age full of passion; Dreams contain countless unknowns. With youth, we can do nothing, fear, dream, and fly to heaven. Perhaps the youth you see is fading in the waste of time, and the dream you pursue is slowly dashed in front of the sharp sword of reality. But in fact, your dreams are shaken and your flying youth is discouraged. Don't be afraid of the rugged road ahead. The time of youth can't stand the carving of time. We should have the faith of embracing dreams and let go of the heroic spirit of youth.

  The youth with dreams is simple, the youth with dreams is forge ahead, the youth with dreams is fearless, and the youth with dreams is invincible! Firmly believe that we who have dreams will one day make the whole world proud of us, lofty aspirations, passionate cries, and want to come and go freely regardless.

  In a developing society, in the reality of changing times, youth is our qualification to work hard; In the busy and impermanent life, in the reinforced concrete building house, dream is the driving force of our struggle!

  The heart of youth is ready to move, let the dream take us to travel.

  Even if the mountain is high into the sky, even if the water depth is not bottomed out, even if the gap is boundless, the heart of youth has the ride of dreams. Young we raise the wings of dreams, overcome difficulties and fly over the limit.

  Maybe, we will be confused when we are young, but our dreams will always be the same!

  Perhaps, the dream will not come true in the end, but the heart of youth has no regrets.

  Let's pursue youth and release our dreams together!

  Thank you.

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