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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-02 23:55



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 10:25

Acar wash(also written as "carwash") orauto washis a facility used to clean the exterior and, in some cases, the interior ofmotor vehicles.
While there are many types of car washes, most fall into the following categories:
Hand car wash facilities, where the vehicle is washed by employees.
Self-service facilities, which are generally coin-operated, where the customer does the washing, including "jet washing".
In-bay automatics, which consist of an automatic machine that rolls back and forth over a stationary vehicle - often seen atfilling stationsand stand-alone wash sites.
Tunnel washes, which use aconveyorto move the vehicle through a series of fixed cleaning mechanisms.
Chemical car wash, also known as waterless car wash, uses chemicals
to wash and polish car surface. Thought to have originated in Australia
and claims to be an eco-friendly car wash method.[citation needed]
Steam car washes use a jet of steam and micro fiber towels, some
include detergent injection. Known to have originated from South Korea,
steam car washes have been especially popular as a low-investment,
eco-friendly car wash solution in Asia, Middle East and Europe thanks to
its sanitizing features and mobility.[citation needed]
Mobile Car Washes, often also serving as mobile detailing systems,
which carry plastic water tanks and use pressure washers. Sometimes
these systems are mounted on trailers, on trucks, or in vans. Generally
these operators also have a gene rator to run a shop vac., buffers and
other tools as well.[citation needed]
Mechanizedcar washes, especially those with brushes, were once avoided by some

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 10:25

yesterday was saturday.it was a sunny day. mrs.jones decied to wash her car.because it was too dirty.she washed it carefully.thirty minutes later,the car was very clean.it looked like a new one. mrs.jones was very happy追答采纳吧


热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 10:25

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