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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-02 09:53



热心网友 时间:2023-12-03 09:26

《小羊肖恩》的主题曲是Life's a Treat【以下是英文歌词】

Shaun The Sheep - Life's A Treat
  You've gotta meet this fella living down on the farm
  Because he's pretty cool and mellow
  He's the king of the barn
  When there's mayhem in the meadow
  He keeps his crew on track
  For all his legendary adventures
  They should put up a plaque
  For Shaun the sheep
  He's Shaun the sheep
  He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat
Keep it in mind
  He's one of a kind
  Oh, life's a treat for Shaun the sheep
  He's Shaun the sheep
  He's Shaun the sheep
  He doesn't miss a trick or ever lose a beat
  Perhaps one day you'll find a way
  To come and meet with Shaun the sheep
  He is a brave courageous leader
  And he's not a raw recruit
  He's a friendly kinda geezer
  Who's remarkably astute
  He's the father of invention
  With a charismatic knack
  For causing havoc in the pasture
  Behind the farmer's back
  He's Shaun the sheep
  He's Shaun the sheep
  He's not afraid to make the intellectual leap
  For brains and gile
  With a wink and a smile
  You' can't compete with shaun the sheep
  la la la la
  la la la la
  la la la la la la la la la la la la
  la la la la
  la la la la
  la la la la la la la la
  He's always ready with a trick
  To save the day
  A good solution's not a million miles away
  Within his flock he's pure gold
  And if his mates get into trouble
  He'll return them to the fold
  He's Shaun the sheep
  He's Shaun the sheep
  He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat
  Keep it in mind
  He's one of a kind
  Oh life's a treat with Shaun the Sheep
  He's Shaun the sheep .. He's Shaun the sheep
  He's Shaun the sheep .. He's Shaun the sheep
  He doesn't miss a trick or ever lose a beat
  Perhaps one day
  You'll find a way
  To come and meet with Shaun the sheep
  Come and bleat with shaun the sheep

热心网友 时间:2023-12-03 09:26

Rocks(Album Version)primal Scream来点分哦
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