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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-28 04:31



热心网友 时间:2023-07-21 07:53

New York City has a short history, which is only about 300 years. The earliest settled area is near the south end of Manhattan Island, where had been homes of the Native Americans. In the year of 1524, Verrazano from Italy was the earliest person who came to the outlet of the river. In 1609, Hudson from Great Britain started exploring the whole river following its bank. Therefore, the river was named after him. In the year of 1626, the Dutches used 60 Dutch ton (about 24 dollars USD) to buy Manhattan Island to be their trading center, and named to be "New Amsterdam." In 1664, Duke York, the younger brother of British King Charles II conquered this piece of land, and changed its name into New York in the colony of New York. New York became a city in 1686. In the Revolutionary War, New York was where George Washington's base was located and where he became the first president, or the temporary capital of the United States. In 1825, Erie Canal, which connects Hudson River and the five Great Lakes was built. Later, many railroad lines were also built, improving the communication between New York and the Midwest, and accelerated the development of the city. Beginning in the middle of the 19th century, New York became the biggest city of seaports, and is the international metropolis being the center of finance, trading, traveling, and cultural art.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-21 07:54

New York's relatively short history, only 300 years. The earliest settlements in the southern tip of Manhattan Island, was originally Indians in the residence. 1524 Italian Frazao Connaught first came to the estuary region, in 1609 the British Hade Sun expedition along the river upstream, the river will be to his name. In 1626 the Dutch to the value of about 60 guilders (equivalent to 24 US dollars) in the hands of small objects from the Indians bought Manhattan Island into a trade station, called "New Amsterdam." In 1664, King Charles II's brother occupied by the Duke of York this place, renamed New York (New York, the United Kingdom has Yorkshire). 1686 New York City building. During the War of Independence, George Washington's New York headquarters is located, and he became the first President of the United States, then the United States is also the temporary capital. In 1825, Kazakhstan was孙河and connecting the Great Lakes Erie Canal will be put into service, and after the construction of a rail, with the central and western New York communication links, and promote the great development of the city. By the mid-19th century, New York has graally become the nation's largest port city and set financial, trade, tourism and culture and the arts in a cosmopolitan city.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-21 07:54

New York's history is shorter, only some more than 300 years. Theearliest residential area in island of manhattan's originallyis the Indian lives. In 1524 the Italian not pulled approves thepromise most early to arrive the river mouth area, in 1609 EnglishKazak resulted in the grandson along the river to go upstream theexploration, this river then by his name naming. In 1626 Dutch byvalue about 60 Dutch florin (quite 24 US dollars) the small thing buysisland of manhattan from the manpower to ward off is thetrade station, calls it "new Amsterdam". In 1664, the English kingCharlie two th younger brother York kes have seized this place,renames New York (namely new York, England has the York county). In1686 New York constructed the city. War of independence period, NewYork is the George Washington's headquarters locus and he takes officethe American first president's place, also was at that time US'Stemporary capital. In 1825, connected Hudson river and five big lakedistricts Erie canal completes is open to navigation, later hasconstructed the railroad, has linked up New York with the mid-westrelation, promoted the city big development. To 19th century in theleaf, New York graally becomes the US biggest port city and thecollection finance, the trade, the traveling and cultural art to abody international metropolis.


8、即使你说得是对的,也要考虑一下别人的建议。you should consider other people's advice even if yours are right.9、每次我去拜访他,他总是不在。everytime I drop by he is absent.10、请你在星期五之前完成这份工作好吗?would you please finish this piece of work before Friday?11...


carryin' on 努力坚持下去 有首歌里有And I don't need no carryin' on 我要努力坚持下去 been way off line 背离常轨 如:You tell me your life 's been way off line。你告诉我你的生活已背离常轨 take one down 击败某人,取下 如:So no one could take him down。 没人能...


12.Xiao Li has narrowed donw his choice of MBA programs to three American universities on the East Coast.小李的MBA计划将缩小(锁定)在美国东海岸的学校中选择。13.When I entered the Japanese-owned store,all shop assistants bowed to me in unsion.当我进入日本营业的商店,售货员一齐向...


4.在那些日子里,我能弄到什么就看什么,只要是英文写的 In those days,i read whatever i can find as long as written in English.5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。i can confirm that building had been blown down in air attack.6.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出...


4.夜晚帮主人壮胆 accompany master at night 5.能吃苦,胃口好,生活有规律,服从 can take hardship, have good appetite, good discipline and obidient 6.冬天抱住狗.可以保暖 - keep warm by hugging dog in winter 7.考验主人的爱心和耐心 - test master's love and patience 8.解闷 - ...


go back to my hometown to develop my personal career and I make a plan to go deep into one industry and one company and hope to grow together with the enterprise and develop myself and make myself promoted in all aspects.纯人工翻译,答题不容易啊,满意,请立即采纳,谢谢!


2.Kindly acknowledge receipt of the drawing(s)/document(s)on the attached copy of this letter.非常感谢在这封信件的附上拷贝图纸或文件的收据。3.Bearing Pad tobe fitted if this hatch is located or the exposed deck over the forward 0.25L 底部的衬垫应安装好,如果舱口或者露出的甲板...


exam results.3. 整整一下午,他都在因特网上寻找一些有趣的网址。He spent the whole afternoon (in) searching some interesting websites on the internet.2. 我的秘书去休假时,格林小姐替了她一星期。When my secretary was in a vacation, Ms. Green had taken her place for one week....


1我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你;I'm learning to give you up because I love you too much.2如果我所做的一切不能使你快乐,那么我情愿跟你一起悲伤.If what I have done makes you unhappy, I'm willing to taste the sadness together with you.3前世多少次回眸想望,才换来今生一个擦肩...


直到我时间的黎明到来 {Bleak:} ...walked alone 独自走开 You tie up a storm 你处在暴风骤雨中 When all hope was lost 当所有希望都已失去 But time revolves 但时间不断循环交替 I have to let go 我不得不放手 {Bleak & Ana} One never meant to be 一个人从未故意如此 {Bleak:} G...

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