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求文档: Exact Kinematic Analysis of Pumping Units

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-28 14:50



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 04:36


A new pumping unit Kinematic Analysis method was developed for the calculation of position, velocity, acceleration of the polished rod, and torque factors as functions of crank angle. This method can also be used to calculate the angular position, velocity and acceleration of any part of position, velocity and acceleration of any part of the pumping unit mechanism.

It is more accurate than previous method because it proces exact results. It can be use to compare pumping units, and can analyze unit with varying crank speeds. It can improve gear-box torque analysis by including inertia effects and can allow the use of conventional dynagraphs for the prediction of downhole dynagraphs.


The majority of U.S. wells are on beam pumping and their number is increasing. However, pumping and their number is increasing. However, although pumping units have been in use for a long time, their kinematic characteristics have not been thoroughly studied or understood.

Beam pumping units can be divided into two major classes: Class I lever systems represented by the conventional pumping unit shown in Figure 1a, and Class III lever systems represented by the Mark II and Air Balance units shown in Figures lb and c, respectively. All pumping units operate on the same basic principle of converting the rotary motion of the crank arm into the oscillatory motion of the polished rod. However, that is where their similarities end. Two pumping units made by two different manufacturers but with the same API maximum load and torque ratings and the same stroke length would appear equally suited for use on a given well. This, however, is not the case. Not only are pumping units of different classes different in prime mover power requirements, maximum polished rod load, and overall pumping efficiency, but pumping units of the same class can also be different depending on the manufacturer's choice of the unit's geometric dimensions.

The purpose of this paper is to present a new method of analyzing and comparing the kinematic characteristics of pumping units and to aid in the understanding of the complicated motion of the polished rod and rod string. polished rod and rod string. PREVIOUS WORK PREVIOUS WORK Gray was the first to develop a method for the kinematic analysis of pumping units. In his paper, Gray explored the differences in the paper, Gray explored the differences in the polished rod motion e to geometry variations of polished rod motion e to geometry variations of different pumping units, and the influence of the pumping unit on the overall behavior of the rod pumping unit on the overall behavior of the rod pumping system. His method, however, is pumping system. His method, however, is relatively complex and requires a digital computer to solve for the position, velocity and acceleration of the polished rod. Gray presents a complex equation for the calculation of polished rod position as a function of crank angle. In order to obtain the velocity and acceleration of the polished rod, he differentiates that equation numerically. Gray's method relates the crank angle and polished rod position only. Velocities and accelerations of the intermediate links are not calculated.

Since Gray's paper, no other kinematic analysis method has been found in the literature, except for an equation similar to Gray's used by Gibbs .

Although the above method is not the best way to kinematically analyze pumping units, it was the first to show the importance of the pumping unit geometry on the polished rod motion.


In order to calculate the position, velocity, and acceleration of the polished rod, it is necessary to solve the four-bar linkage problem.
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