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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-28 13:42



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 02:42




  1. telephone No.0419657156

  2. send things by post

  3. price for renting: $39 per day

  4. an extra bed

  5. equipment : kitchen on the top

  6. need to have a heater

  7. microwave

  8. Pick them up back from the airport

  9. Insurance: the youngest driver`s age Caroline: 49 years old

  10. The license issued in Australia



  11. What was newly established?

  C. Dance studio

  12. When is the busiest time?

  B. Weekday evenings

  13. How to get a discount?

  B. book in advance

  14. What benefit new customer can get?

  A. free training for today only

  15. Why did the gym win an award?

  B. Offering professional advices

  16. Why most people give up half way?

  C. busy with study or work

  ral training:

  B. increased leg power

  18. ning:

  oved concentration

  19. Aerobic training:

  ced stress

  20. squash

  k reaction times


  【Varroa mites 蜂螨】

  oa mites have been found on a flowers

  they carried by bees and hide under the hive

  r their smell by the honey

  alts suck the “blood” of alt honey bees

  compromised alt bees are more prone to infections caused by a virus

  pe bumble bee: spread weeds

  oo bee:not much is know  about it

  canized honeybees are: too aggressive

  dian bees: need a warm climate

  ralian bee:number are too few to help farmers



  foundation is constructed of natural materials

  the best soil and sand

  bricks contain a lot of high-quality clay

  ntages: cheap and convenient

  process of brick making takes a good training

  needs water, time and labor

  tly, the roof needs to be set up

  is covered with plaster to prevent insects

  shape of the strength

  has a risk of fire

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