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端午节包粽子的大概过程 英文40字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 09:54



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 18:22

With three or four bamboo leaves on your palm, fold the leaves into a cone-shaped or pyramid-shaped container and use a spoon to fill it with the mixture of glutinous rice and red beans. Then finish wrapping it and tie it up with a pre-soaked length of straw.


Fold two or three pieces of bamboo leaves into the shape of a cone, and first fill it with glutinous rice and then add a piece of the streaky pork on top. Then, cover it and wrap it into a pyramidal shape with the remaining length of the leaves, and bind it with a length of soaked straw.Put bamboo leaves in a pot, then place the wrapped zongzi on the leaves, and steam or boil for three to four hours.
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