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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 09:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 14:09

The new people city is located middle Liaoning Province. Eastcontinually Shenyang new town sub- area, Yu Hong area; South neighbourLiaozhong County; West borders on with Heishan County; North dependson Zhangwu County, Faku County; Northwest jiao and Fuxin Countyborders on. Area 3352.5 square kilometers, cultivated area 2.7 millionChinese acres. The whole city supposes 11 towns, 14 townships and 5streets, 338 administrative villages. Has the Chinese, is full,returns to, North Korea and so on 18 nationalities. The totalhousehold number is 2.25,267 million households, total population6.95,595 million people. Average population density: 209.9 personof/square kilometers, city population density: 2,541 person of/squarekilometers. The rural population accounts for 77.58%, agriculturalpopulation accounts for 80.71%; In the urban population, the citypopulation accounts for the resident population 14.85%.
The new people city for the Liaohe River silting alluviation plain,north the topography Gao Nadi, belongs to the temperate zonecontinental monsoon climate, whole year sunshine 2295-3300 hour. Yearto year Prevailing wind the frequency is the southwest wind. Frost-freeperiod is 180 days. The winter Siberia cold air frequently makes asneak attack, does the cold time to be longer; Summer is hot anddamp; The sandstorm is spring big; The autumn is sunny. Spring andAutumn Period two seasons time shorter, the climate is changeable.Annual mean temperature 7.6 ℃. In July is hottest, averagetemperature 24.3 ℃; In January is coldest, average below zero 12℃. Whole year about precipitation 600 millimeters, annual meanrelative humidity 62%.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 14:09

XinMin City is located in the centre of LiaoNing province. It is borders the XinChengZi district and YuHong district of ShenYang City in the East, LiaoNing Center district in the South, Heishan District in the West, Zhangwu district and FaKu district in the North, and adjacent to Zaoxin district in the NorthEast of the City.

Its area is 3352.5 square kilometer, Agriculture land area is 2.7 million acres. There are 11 towns, 14 villages, 5 main streets and 338 management villages.
There are 18 races, such as Han, Man, Hui and ChaoXian etc. It consists of 225,267 families, total population of 695,565 people, dencity of 209.9 people/km2. 14.85% of people lives in the City Center, its population density is 2541 people/km2. 77.58% are villagers, population in agriculture is 80.71%.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 14:09

New people City locates the Liaoning province central part.The east connects the son area of CHEN2 YANG2 SHI4 Hsin-cheng,in the 洪 area;south 邻辽 in county;the west and black mountain County connect the 壤 ;the north depends the 彰武 County,the method database County;the northwest dime and 阜 new the county is adjacent to.3352.5 square kilometers of area, the farmland area 2,700,000.The whole citieses establish 11 towns,14 countries with 5 streets, 338 administration villages.Have the 汉 ,full,return,North Korea 18 races of etc..Total number of door is 225,267 door, total population 695,595 people.Average population density:209.9 people/square kilometers, among them the city area population density:2541 people/square kilometers.The country population has 77.58%, among them, the agriculture population has 80.71%;in the town population, the city area population has often 14.85% of live the population.
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