2013英语在线翻译:A Kestrel for a Knave 男孩与鹰(节选)
发布时间:2023-07-01 08:11
时间:2024-12-04 22:29
小说出版后,引起了巨大反响,成为风靡英伦的畅销小说,并进入写作、文学、教育学教材。1969年,作者将小说改编为电影剧本,影片名为Kes,由大师肯·洛奇(Ken Loach)执导,荣获捷克卡罗维发利国际电影节奖“水晶地球仪奖”和英国作家联合会“剧本奖”,还在英国电影协会推荐的20世纪百部影片中排名第七、14岁之前必看的50部佳片中位列第三。
The sun was up and the cloud band in the East had thinned to a line on the horizon, leaving the dome of the sky clear. The air was still and clean, and the trilling of larks carried far over the fields of hay, which stretched away on both sides of the path. Great rashes of buttercups spread across the fields, and amongst the mingling shades of yellow and green, dog daisies showed their white faces, contrasting with the rust of sorrel. All underscored by clovers, white and pink and purple, which came into their own on the path sides where the grass was shorter, along with daisies and the ubiquitous plantains.
太阳高高地挂在空忠,东方的云带在天际挤成细细的一条线,晴空万里。田野里没有一丝风,空气也十分清新。小径两侧的田地里堆满了干草,云雀鸣啭着从上面飞过。一望无尽的毛茛正在盛开,黄花与绿叶相映成趣,白色的雏菊与褐色的酸模花夹杂其中争芳夺艳;点睛之笔当然还属苜蓿花:白的、粉的、紫的, 一簇簇地从路边的浅草丛中抬起头来,与雏菊和随处可见的车前草一起,为这幅美丽的图画增添了不少的光彩。
[2] A cushion of mist lay over the fields. Dew drenched the grass, and the occasional sparkling of indivial drops made Billy glance down as he passed. One tuft was a silver fire. He knelt down to trace the source of light. The drop had almost forced the blade of grass to the earth, and it lay in the curve of the blade like the tiny egg of a mythical bird. Billy moved his head from side to side to make it sparkle, and when it caught the sun it exploded, throwing out silver needles and crystal splinters. He lowered his head and slowly, very carefully, touched it with the tip of his tongue. The drop quivered like mercury, but held. He bent, and touched it again. It disintegrated and streamed down the channel of the blade to the earth. Slowly the blade began to straighten, climbing steadily like the finger of a clock2.
[3] Billy stood up and walked on. He climbed over a stile and followed the path through a herd of cows. The ones grazing lifted their heads slowly, chewing their cud. The ones lying in the grass remained motionless, as solid as toy cows set out on a toy farm. A covey of partridges got up under his feet, making him jump and cry out. They whirred away over the field, their blunt forms3 travelling as direct as a barrage of shells. Billy snatched a stone up and threw it after them, but they were already out of sight over the hedges4. The stone flushed a blackbird, and it chattered away along the hedge bottom, disappearing back into the foliage further along.
[4] He reached the stile which led into the woods, climbed on to it and looked back. Fields and fences and hedgerows. The sun was in the sky, and the only sound was the continuous relay of bird song.
[5] As soon as he entered the wood, Billy left the path and mounted a bank into the undergrowth. He pushed the branches back, away from his eyes, keeping hold until the last moment, then releasing them to thrash back into the foliage behind. He cut a branch off an elm sapling, trimmed it to walking stick length, then used it to fence his way through, slashing and fracturing any limbs in his path.
[6] The undergrowth thinned out, giving way to grassy clearings between the trees. Overhead their branches webbed into a green canopy, and in places shafts of sunlight angled through, dappling the grey-green trunks, and bringing up the color of the grass and the foliage. Light and shade, a continuous play of light and shade with every rustle of the leaves. Here the bird songs were less frequent, yet more distinct. Hidden somewhere amongst the branches a chaffinch gave out its long unlating notes, concluding each sequence with a flourish. A wood pigeon managed a few series of throaty cooings, ending each series with an abrupt ‘cu’, as though its chest was too sore to carry on. The silence between these calls emphasized the noise of Billy’s progress, and birds retreated prematurely before the swishing and snapping: a robin, tic-tic-tic, a pair of wrens, their loud churrs out of all proportion to their mouse-like size, and a jay, its white rump flashing across the bars of the trees.