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高中英语作文 假如你刚进入高中一周,请写一封电子邮件给你的好朋友J...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 06:40



热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 06:44



John, hello

Long time no write to you

Now, I have ascended on high school. Although the school gave me the feeling good strange, however, thought, I will depart from the junior high school, was a little reluctant to junior high school friends.

High school learning than the junior high school more tension, learning good busy, so, I may be a long time to write you a letter.

High school life, I must be doing it, no matter what you do, I will be more time to review, I intend to, a review, have to do more exercise, or I have to become a bookworm.

I wish you good luck, I now have to review, we have time to talk, I will remember you.

Your friend XX.








热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 08:02

John, hello
Long time no write to you
Now, I have ascended on high school. Although the school gave me the feeling good strange, however, thought, I will depart from the junior high school, was a little reluctant to junior high school friends.
High school learning than the junior high school more tension, learning good busy, so, I may be a long time to write you a letter.
High school life, I must be doing it, no matter what you do, I will be more time to review, I intend to, a review, have to do more exercise, or I have to become a bookworm.
I wish you good luck, I now have to review, we have time to talk, I will remember you.
Your friend XX.
高中英语作文 假如你刚进入高中一周,请写一封电子邮件给你的好朋友J...


高中英语作文 假如你刚进入高中一周,请写一封电子邮件给你的好朋友J...

I wish you good luck, I now have to review, we have time to talk, I will remember you.Your friend XX.

刚进入高中写篇英语作文 不要太多100字以上150以下经典就行

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