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求翻译 不要机器翻译 人们在生活或生产实践过程中。。。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 06:33



热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 23:56

People in life or the proction practice process with the objective world, constantly exposed to the objective things, form perceptual cognition. People after repeated practice and shall perceptual materials processing, QuCuQuJing, unceasingly, youbiaojili, true concatenates proced concept, judgment and reasoning, and then rise to rational knowledge, namely the thought.

People thinking, as a cognitive tool, using this tool to know the world and learn about the world.

And in the process of knowledge and understanding of the world, based on the experience of the known as a human will metaphor thinking will two things or concept, to build relationships with a specific, already known concept explains another abstract, unknown concept.追问不要机器翻译

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 23:56

People living or proction practice, constantly in contact with the objective world, the formation of perceptions of objective things. people through repeated practice, will continue processing of emotional material, Qucuqujing, Quweicunzhen, from here, outside to the inside , generated concepts, judgments and reasoning, and then to rational knowledge, that is thinking. It is also of thinking as a cognitive tool, the use of such tools to understand the world and understand the world. In the process of awareness and understanding of the world, in the basis of known experience as a metaphor of human thinking will be established between two things or concepts linked to a specific, known interpretation of the other abstract concepts Unknown concept.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 23:57

People in life or the proction practice process with the objective world, constantly exposed to the objective things, form perceptual cognition. People after repeated practice and shall perceptual materials processing, QuCuQuJing, unceasingly, youbiaojili, true concatenates proced concept, judgment and reasoning, and then rise to rational knowledge, namely the thought. People thinking, as a cognitive tool, using this tool to know the world and learn about the world. And in the process of knowledge and understanding of the world, based on the experience of the known as a human will metaphor thinking will two things or concept, to build relationships with a specific, already known concept explains another abstract, unknown concept.
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