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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-21 23:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 04:56

Should animals stay in the zoo?
Nowadays,more and more people would like to go to the zoo to see animals.For the all kinds of animals in the zoo,the zoo attracts a lot of tourists.
Facing this phenomenon,different people have different opinions.Some people think it is a good measure to protect some animals that face the danger of extinction.Animals stay at the zoo can keep themselves safety.But some people are against to it.Because it will make animals lose their abilities which they should have in the forest.
As one coin has two sides.I think this measure is a good activity,because it can make animals more safety and keep them live in a compose life.



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 04:56

How do People Treat Animals?
Many people now keep animals as pets. Some people have cats and dogs in their houses. Other people like fish, caged birds, tortoises and even snakes, monkeys or lions. Millions of dollars and much time are spent every year on pet food, equipment, taming and medical treatment.
Of course, there are some people who do not look after their pets properly or are even cruel to them. For this reason a royal society was created in 1824 in Britain to prevent cruel treatment of animals.
In contrast to the love of pets is the fact that blood sports still exist in most conntries. People go hunting foxes, elephants, pandas, cks, rabbits, pheasants and other animals, not because they need the meat to eat, but just for pleasure. In some countries, blood sports like bull fighting and cock fighting are common and huntig rare animals for commercial purposes has brought about an even more serious problem in the protection of the ecosystem.
It is strange that people love certain animals, but enjoy killing others, in cruel ways, too.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 04:56

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.
In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.
Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.
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