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Watch you going down 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-21 17:47



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 13:28

歌曲名:Watch you going down

Watch you going down
Composer: Ho Chiu, Adrian da Silva, Don Cruz, Kevin Li and Chan Siu Kei
Lyricist: Adrian da Silva, Conroy Chan and Ho Chiu
Watch you going down
Watch you kiss the ground
Hear the breaking sound
it’s pure love
Watch you going down
What’s that banging sound
smack you pound for pound
it's the violent touch
Watch you going down
Hear your screaming loud
Falling on the ground
I’m from above
Watch you going down
Hear the cheering crowd
See that bloodied clown
Crying You’re the one
OOoooo Don't fight the spell that I'm under
OOoooo Go home and cry to your mother
What's been going down
Who's been coming around
No ones gonna save you push and shove
The voices and the sounds
Pushing me to the ground
I'd give up but my brain says no no no
OOoooo Don't fight the spell that I'm under
OOoooo Go home and cry to your mother
OOoooo Don't fight the spell that I'm under
OOoooo Go home and cry to your mother
Give me your name
Show me your face
Tell me your bad
This is no funny dating game!
Think you’re the babe?
Is this the place
Don’t think you're safe
Bet you could rub it all over your face
OOoooo Don't fight the spell that I'm under
OOoooo Go home and cry to your mother
OOoooo Don't fight the spell that I'm under
OOoooo Go home and cry to your mother

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