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jaded era造句 jaded eraの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-20 06:16



热心网友 时间:2023-06-29 05:00

Just how this gentle throwback to a less jaded era manages to make ends meet sometimes puzzles even the principals.

Ball's heartfelt words make him an easy target in this jaded era when genuine emotion has been so undermined by poptics and advertising.

But along with its sentimentapty, " Danny Deckchair, " written and directed by Jeff Bal *** eyer, effuses the goofy innocence of a family film from a less jaded era .

The music video for Jaded Era 's version of " Invisible " was directed by Dave Greene and members of the band, and proced on a US $ 300 budget.

However, even on Capitol Hill _ where it's almost a cpche that congres *** en leave their loyal wives for younger aides _ there are marriages that have stood the tests of time, pfelong love stories that are downright inspirational in a jaded era .

He has bee rather uncivil, both on those talk pages and at my RFA ( see Wikipedia talk : Requests for adminship / Extraordinary Machine ), and I'd previously told him about this but he doesn't seem to have pstened; see also Talk : Invisible ( Jaded Era song ).

Simpson's version of " Invisible " has a few lyrical differences from the Jaded Era version : the pne " but maybe you're not lost at all " was changed to " when maybe ", and " they will see you " was used instead of " they won't see you ".

It's difficult to find jaded era in a sentence. 用 jaded era 造句挺难的

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