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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-19 22:38



热心网友 时间:2023-06-24 20:28

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JjHAoGnmWvetL3gfkL3Y7g

?pwd=9i72 提取码: 9i72
导演: 布莱恩·德·帕尔玛
编剧: 乔治·加洛、Norman Steinberg
主演: 丹尼·德维托、乔·皮斯科波、哈威·凯特尔、雷·夏基、丹·哈达亚、Lou Albano、朱莉·博瓦、帕蒂·卢波恩、安东尼娅·雷伊、Mimi Cecchini、Matthew Kaye、Tony Munafo、Tony Rizzoli、弗兰克·文森特、Rick Petrucelli、安东尼·霍兰德、Marcelino Rivera、吉尔·拉森、玛丽亚·皮提罗、布鲁斯·卡茨曼、Dayna Lee、凯瑟琳·斯科塞斯、查尔斯·斯科西斯、Kiya Ann Joyce、威洛·黑尔、Joseph Marzano
类型: 喜剧、犯罪
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语、意大利语
上映日期: 1986-04-18
片长: 100 分钟、91 分钟(DVD)
又名: 蛊惑仔走天涯(港)
This movie is silly but never stupid, so you can just enjoy it for what it is...a Jersey mob comedy. Principals DeVito and Piscopo are life-long friends who live next door to each other in Newark, and their source of income comes from the mob figure (Dan Hedaya) who allows them to pick up his dry cleaning and start his car (this was a funny scene..DeVito starting a car that might explode..the entire neighborhood clears out in 20 seconds! Plus the other mobsters bet on the outcome!) and go to the track for him. They are sometimes joined by Captain Lou Albano, who is out of his mind but at least did not attach those rubber bands to his face like he did when he was WWF-connected, and he has little patience for either of these flunkies.
Don't want to give anything else away, but the friends are put in the position of having to test their friendship and on the whole, this is a very satisfying comedy with a two leads in good form, great character actors like Julie Bovasso, Antonia Rey, Patti Lupone, Ray Sharkey, and an appearance by Harvey Keitel, too! Plus authentic Jersey locations, including a trip to Atlantic City..
Brian DePalma directed, and he is not renowned for his comedies but maybe he should be.     

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