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organisation and management assessment

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 07:28



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 14:57


Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also known as corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, responsible business, sustainable responsible business (SRB), or corporate social performance, is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. Ideally, CSR policy would function as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure their adherence to law, ethical standards, and international norms. Business would embrace responsibility for the impact of their activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere. Furthermore, business would proactively promote the public interest by encouraging community growth and development, and voluntarily eliminating practices that harm the public sphere, regardless of legality. Essentially, CSR is the deliberate inclusion of public interest into corporate decision-making, and the honoring of a triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit.


An easy way for your company to build its brand, reputation and public profile

Being socially responsible creates goodwill and a positive image for your brand. Trust and a good reputation are some of your company’s most valuable assets. In fact, without these, you wouldn’t even have a business. You can nurture these important assets by being socially responsible.

It is however, crucial that you devise the right socially responsible program for your business. When used properly, it will open up a myriad of new relationships and opportunities. Not only will your success grow, but so will your company’s culture. It will become a culture which you, your staff and the wider community genuinely believe in.

Corporate Social Responsibility attracts and retains staff

Did you know that socially responsible companies report increased employee commitment, performance and job satisfaction?

By attracting, retaining and engaging staff, ‘doing good’ for others reces your recruitment costs and improves work proctivity. It’s just plain good all round!

Customers are attracted to socially responsible companies

Branding your business as ‘socially responsible’ differentiates you from your competitors. The Body Shop and Westpac are companies who have used this to their advantage. Developing innovative procts that are environmentally or socially responsible adds value and gives people a good reason to buy from you.

Corporate Social Responsibility attracts investors

Investors and financiers are attracted to companies who are socially responsible. These decision-makers know this reflects good management and a positive reputation. Don’t underestimate this influence; it can be just as important as your company’s financial performance. In fact, it may be the deciding factor in choosing to support your company.

Corporate Social Responsibility encourages professional (and personal) growth

Your staff can develop their leadership and project management skills through a well-designed corporate social responsibility program. This may be as simple as team building exercises, encouraging your employees to form relationships with people they would not normally meet (like disadvantaged groups).

Corporate Social Responsibility helps to cut your business costs

Environmental initiatives such as recycling and conserving energy increase in-house efficiency and cut costs. Introcing a corporate social responsibility program gives you a good reason to examine and improve on your spending!

3) You can pick the first 3 in Q2 and expand them a little bit.

Such as, acting social responsiblity is important to Koff because.

a. The only way for our company to build its brand, reputation and public profile

Being socially responsible creates goodwill and a positive image for your brand. Trust and a good reputation are some of your company’s most valuable assets. In fact, without these, you wouldn’t even have a business. You can nurture these important assets by being socially responsible.

It is however, crucial that you devise the right socially responsible program for your business. When used properly, it will open up a myriad of new relationships and opportunities. Not only will your success grow, but so will your company’s culture. It will become a culture which you, your staff and the wider community genuinely believe in.

b. Corporate Social Responsibility attracts and retains staff

Did you know that socially responsible companies report increased employee commitment, performance and job satisfaction?

Our lives become meaningful when we realise our work has made a positive difference in some way. It makes all our striving worth it.

By attracting, retaining and engaging staff, ‘doing good’ for others reces your recruitment costs and improves work proctivity. It’s just plain good all round!

c. Customers are attracted to socially responsible companies.


4) a. Acting ethically. Do not purchase coffee beans from the farms which are using slave workers. Try to change the factory away from the school. Using more advanced technologies to eliminate the pollutions.

b. Acting legally. Obey the employment laws, pay the minimum wages to the workers in Africa. Pay taxes on time.

C. Acting friendly. Hiring local people, try to donate some money to local school or government. Help them to develop their living standard... at so on..



The corporate social responsibility commitments should be in line with the values of your company, customers and staff. Most importantly, they must be based on a genuine concern for people and the community. You do not want the program to back-fire; making you seem hypocritical. A poor strategy will cause people to become cynical and distrustful of your company.

6) When dealing with social responsiblity, we have to solve the conflicts between the social responsiblity and profits. Then we need to implement the program strategically. Just giving a donation is not enough. The best corporate social responsibility programs are based on a two-way relationship with you and each of the organisations you are involved with. This allows both parties to be challenged and grow together.

-------------- Hope can help, you have to expand some of them and make it a whole article.-----------------

Thanks! Remember, add the citation by the end of the essay.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 14:57

koffu plc

your organisation koffu plc,based in hamilton,has been given the opportunity of setting up a new business venture importing coffee beans from africa packaging them(whole and after grinding)and distibuting the finished proct to wholesalers and retailers and retailers throughout new zaeland.
贵公司 (位于hamilton的koffu有限公司)目前被允许建立新的商业投资以用来从非洲进口咖啡,并且可以负责在新西兰包装(成品咖啡粉末或者咖啡颗粒)以及把最终产品递交给零售商和经销商。

waitakere city council have,subject to receiving your project plans,promised you funding to build a new warehouse,factory and transport depot just outside henderson on the edge of aresidential area and close to primary and intermermediate schools.

a board meeting is e to take place next week to discuss the opportunity and consider what action needs to be taken.

youhave been asked to write a report for the meeting explaining what is meantby term corporate social responsibility and what issues will need to be considered and what action taken if the project goes ahead.

(you have been advised by the managing director that most of the directors have never heard of the term corporate social responsibility.)

write the report

1.explaining the concept of social responsibility.

2.explaining how it is important to organisations generally.

3.explaining how it is especially important to koffu.

4.detailing the main issues for koffu to consider and explaining thereasons for including them.

5.recommending appropriate action

6.suggesting what should take priority and how this should be implemented


热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 14:58

Question 1)

Social responsibility is to talk to other corporates and take full responsiblity on all conflicts. For example help talk for your corporate to all employees.

Question 2)

By doing this you help your corporate raise money and fund. Its very important since it also helps your corporate build trust between other corporates.

Question 3)

It is especially important since koffu is a new corporate just starting, it needs to build its reputation by a good start.

Question 4)

Main issue with koffu is building trust between its buyers. Not having buyers koffu would lose its business in general.

Question 5)

I would suggest koffu set up for advertising.

Question 6)

Advertise to large and small shops hoping for a bigger buying base.
And to start in a small area to build reputation.

Large advertising equals lack of full attention to buyers.
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