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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 07:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 18:46

There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. 

Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple ring the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine. 

Graally, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball. 

In the United States, Miss Esther Howland is given credit for sending the first valentine cards. Commercial valentines were introced in the 1800's and now the date is very commercialised. The town of Loveland, Colorado, does a large post office business around February 14. The spirit of good continues as valentines are sent out with sentimental verses and children exchange valentine cards at school. 

情人节又叫圣瓦伦丁节或圣华伦泰节,即每年的2月14日,是西方国家的传统节日之一,起源于*教。这是一个关于爱、浪漫以及花、巧克力、贺卡的节日 男女在这一天互送礼物用以表达爱意或友好。情人节的晚餐约会通常代表了情侣关系的发展关键。


热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 18:47

There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.
关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。有关人士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特 瓦伦丁的人士发起的。他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃*教而于公元前269年2月14日惨遭杀害,这一天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽奖的日子。

Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple ring the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.
而另外一种说法更具有传奇色彩,相传桑特 瓦伦丁曾留下一本日记给了狱卒的女儿,署名为“你的情人”,据说这名狱卒的女儿就是桑特 瓦伦丁的情人。还有其它的说法也颇为有趣。比如说有人认为在克劳迪亚斯君王统治时期,桑特 瓦仑丁曾经是一名神父,因为公然挑战克劳迪亚斯君王的权威身陷囹圄。所以公元前496年罗马教皇格莱西亚斯特意将2月14日作为一个特别的日子以纪念桑特 瓦伦丁。

Graally, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball.
此后2月14日就成为了一个具有特殊意义的日子。在这天人们向自己心仪的人传递信息以示爱意。而理所当然的桑特 瓦仑丁也就成为了为恋爱中的男女们牵线搭桥的人。在2月14日这天人们会特意做诗或者用一些小礼物送给自己心爱的人。而且人们还会组织各种各样的聚会来庆祝这个特殊的节日。

In the United States, Miss Esther Howland is given credit for sending the first valentine cards. Commercial valentines were introced in the 1800's and now the date is very commercialised. The town of Loveland, Colorado, does a large post office business around February 14. The spirit of good continues as valentines are sent out with sentimental verses and children exchange valentine cards at school.
艾瑟 霍兰德小姐是美国第一位因为发送情人节卡片而受到荣誉奖励的人。早在19世纪初情人节就已处露商业化的端倪。而如今情人节已经完全被商业化了。 比如每当每年2月14日来临的时候,一些城镇如罗夫兰、克罗拉多等,这里的人们都要派送大量的为情人节特备的卡片。 而在这天人们往往吟歌做诗并且把这些写入卡片中送个自己喜欢的人以表达自己的爱意。而在学校里孩子门也喜欢互增贺卡来度过这个特殊的节日。久而久之就形成了一种习俗并且延续至今天。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 18:48

The History of Valentine's Day(1)

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served ring the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

The History of Valentine's Day(2)

ile some believe that Valentine's Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine's death or burial -- which probably occurred around 270 A.D -- others claim that the Christian church may have decided to celebrate Valentine's feast day in the middle of February in an effort to 'christianize' celebrations of the pagan Lupercalia festival. In ancient Rome, February was the official beginning of spring and was considered a time for purification. Houses were ritually cleansed by sweeping them out and then sprinkling salt and a type of wheat called spelt throughout their interiors. Lupercalia, which began at the ides of February, February 15, was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.

To begin the festival, members of the Luperci, an order of Roman priests, would gather at the sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf or lupa. The priests would then sacrifice a goat, for fertility, and a dog, for purification.

The boys then sliced the goat's hide into strips, dipped them in the sacrificial blood and took to the streets, gently slapping both women and fields of crops with the goathide strips. Far from being fearful, Roman women welcomed being touched with the hides because it was believed the strips would make them more fertile in the coming year. Later in the day, according to legend, all the young women in the city would place their names in a big urn. The city's bachelors would then each choose a name out of the urn and become paired for the year with his chosen woman. These matches often ended in marriage. Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine's Day around 498 A.D. The Roman 'lottery' system for romantic pairing was deemed un-Christian and outlawed. Later, ring the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that February 14 was the beginning of birds' mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of February -- Valentine's Day -- should be a day for romance. The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting, which was written in 1415, is part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England. Several years later, it is believed that King Henry V hired a writer named John Lydgate to compose a valentine note to Catherine of Valois.

The History of Valentine's Day(3)

In Great Britain, Valentine's Day began to be popularly celebrated around the seventeenth century. By the middle of the eighteenth century, it was common for friends and lovers in all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes. By the end of the century, printed cards began to replace written letters e to improvements in printing technology. Ready-made cards were an easy way for people to express their emotions in a time when direct expression of one's feelings was discouraged. Cheaper postage rates also contributed to an increase in the popularity of sending Valentine's Day greetings. Americans probably began exchanging hand-made valentines in the early 1700s. In the 1840s, Esther A. Howland began to sell the first mass-proced valentines in America.

According to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated one billion valentine cards are sent each year, making Valentine's Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year. (An estimated 2.6 billion cards are sent for Christmas.)

Approximately 85 percent of all valentines are purchased by women. In addition to the United States, Valentine's Day is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia.

Valentine greetings were popular as far back as the Middle Ages (written Valentine's didn't begin to appear until after 1400), and the oldest known Valentine card is on display at the British Museum. The first commercial Valentine's Day greeting cards proced in the U.S. were created in the 1840s by Esther A. Howland. Howland, known as the Mother of the Valentine, made elaborate creations with real lace, ribbons and colorful pictures known as "scrap".



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 18:48

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served ring the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured.

According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter -- who visited him ring his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed 'From your Valentine,' an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. It's no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France.

情人节的来历和习俗 来历一:Valentine's day是情人节在英语里的叫法。大约在公元三世纪的罗马,暴君Claudius当政。当时,罗马内外战争仍频。为了补足兵员,将战争进行到底,Claudius下令,凡是一定年龄范围内的男子,都必须参军。自此,丈夫离开妻子,少年离开恋人。于是整个罗马便被笼罩在绵长的相思中。对此...


The origin of Valentine's Day 情人节的由来 Valentine's Day originated in Rome. There are many versions of the legend, but the most romantic and credible are the following. 情人节最早起源于罗马。关于它的传说有多种版本,但最为浪漫和可信的是如下一版。 Legend has it that in third Century,...




每年的2月14日是情侣们的节日,英文称之为圣瓦伦丁节,这一天会让人联想到玫瑰、巧克力、爱情。以下是关于情人节来源的英文介绍,欢迎阅读!情人节起源:Valentine's Day originated in Rome. Various legends surround its origin, but the most romantic and widely accepted version is as follows:情人...


不想这一番收集,光情人节的来历倒出现了三个版本。 ◆版本一:Valentine'sday是情人节在英语里的叫法。从字面上来看,很难看出中西方叫法之间有什么联系。这里面隐藏着一个动人的故事。 大约在公元三世纪的罗马,那时恺撒已经死去快三百年了,暴君Claudius当政。当时,罗马内外战争频仍,民不聊生。为了补足兵员,将...


情人节英文是Valentine's Day。情人节在英语里称作Valentine's Day,即圣瓦伦丁节。情人节源于一位名叫圣·瓦伦丁的罗马人,公元3世纪,罗马帝国出现全面危机,经济凋敝,统治阶级腐败,社会动荡不安,人民纷纷反抗。贵族阶级为维护其统治,残暴镇压民众和基督教徒,有一位教徒瓦伦丁,被捕入狱。在狱中,他...


在美国,Esther Howland被誉为第一位制作情人节卡片的人,而19世纪的商业化使情人节变得更具商业气息。科罗拉多州的洛弗兰德镇在情人节期间的邮局业务繁重。无论在欧美还是全球各地,人们通过制作和互赠情人节礼物,如卡片、巧克力,以及学校里的孩子交换卡片,延续着这份温馨与浪漫的传统。情人节不仅在西方...


for justice and pure love in order to commemorate valentine.(后来,基督教徒为了纪念瓦伦丁为正义、为纯洁的爱而牺牲自己。)Will be executed on this day as "st. valentine's day," later changed to "valentine's day."(将临刑的这一天定为“圣瓦伦节”,后人又改成“情人节”。)...


有关人士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特-瓦伦丁的人士发起的。他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃基督教而于公元前269年2月14日惨遭杀害,这一天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽奖的日子。 Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer’s daughter, who had become his friend, and signed...


情人节在英语中叫做:Valentine's Day,Valentine其实是古罗马时期一个圣人的名字:St. Valentine。为了充实兵力,古罗马皇帝下令所有的男性公民不许结婚,神父Valentine秘密地为想结婚的有情人证婚,最后在269年2月14日被施以绞刑。为了纪念他,每年的2月14日被称为情人节:February 14th。关于爱的英文...

情人节的来历和意义 214情人节的来历 春节来历英文 圣诞节的由来英文简介 2月14情人节的由来 情人节的由来故事 中国情人节的由来 元旦的来历英语并翻译 历史的英文
沈阳有哪些土特产店呢? 沈阳特产哪里买最正宗便宜_沈阳旅游带什么特产回去 电白阳光医院医院科室 我是收入不高的打工一族,我想问一下在茂名哪间医院做包皮包茎手术好一点... 茂名看男科到茂名欧亚男科好吗求大神帮助 为什么下载的压缩包有乱码 为什么压缩包有乱码,怎么处理? 压缩包解压后文件顺序打乱了? 37岁,女性,刚才突然发现上下嘴唇有半边闭不拢是什么原因 怀山药薏米红豆粉怎么吃比较好吃 七夕情人节 的故事 用英语简单叙述一下 英语翻译牛郎织女的故事 七夕的传说,英语 6周是指几个星期请问 2005年1月1日是星期六.1月31日是星期几. 星期六是一星期中最后一天吗? 一年有几个星期六和星期天 余额宝周6转入收益如何计算 星期1、星期2、星期3、星期4、星期5、星期6、星期日是怎么创造的?历史是什么? 星期1到星期6怎么用英文说? 周6周日日记200字 一年有多少个星期六日? 日文星期一至星期六谁知道? 周末是指星期六还是星期日? 周末指的是星期六还是星期天 他周6干什么一般疑问句? 周6可以存款吗? 周末到底是星期六还是星期日? 事业单位病假能够休息多久 事业单位请事假有文件规定吗? 关于情人节的故事 英文版 谁能用英文写一个关于七夕的传说? 情人节的来历(要中英文结合的) 帮我写一篇关于七夕情人节的英语小短文(20个词即可) 情人节英文介绍 七夕情人节的英语单词是什么? 七夕节用英语怎么说? 装配式工程师有哪几类? 1平方米电线直径是多少 各种规格的家用电线分别是多少直径 有人说“没有面包的爱情是扯淡’,有道理吗? 没有面包,爱情还能长久吗? 没有面包的爱情会长久么? 没有面包的爱情 是什么意思 没有面包的爱情就是一盘散沙,你同意这句话吗? 没有面包会有爱情吗? 对于没有面包的爱情,应该如何维持长久的婚姻? “没有面包就吃蛋糕”出自法国哪次革命 在这个现实的社会里,没有面包的爱情能坚持多久? 中国人擅长烹饪面食,为什么中国食物里没有面包?