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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-26 17:41



热心网友 时间:2024-10-08 21:04

I can relive our time together.
Those precious memories
that I yearn to forget.
Time slips through my fingers like sand.
The fires of our love have burned out,
and now there is nothing.
Nothing but a sky black with ashes.
I won't forget you, your kisses like soft fruit.
Your laughter bursting into daylight
like silver.
Your smile like the curl of the sickle moon
in the night sky.
Your luminous beauty, your goodness,
your patience,
how you hung on my every word.
You are now in the arms of another.
Who is he, this man?
Does he have poise?
Does he have grace?
Is he a lover or a fighter?
What powers does he have over you?
Do your eyes dance like fireflies in the night
when he comes to you?
Does your body soften
as your lips shape his name?
I can't believe you've been so selfish.
Open the door.
Open up!
You are consumed by love.
It's Mr Carson Clay.
How does he cast a spell over you,
enchant you, beguile you?
Why did you shut me out?
Come on. Come on.
Where is he?
Where's the projectionist?
I struggled to survive.
When I look back
on the darkest moments of our history,
I knew that we would part.
Whose is this?
And that now, I must let you go.
We will know a deeper, surer love.
It begins fleetingly,
but it deepens and enres.
It grows amidst all the strangeness of life.
It is a beauty we can always depend on.
It is the beauty of friendship.
You stole my son!
No, he didn't!
Where is my son? Where is he?
That... Here...
A very strange thing happens
when you're making a work of art.
Sometimes you don't quite
see the elements coming together,
and then, when it all comes together,
there's something magical,
something organic,
and such a thing happened today,
and everyone said this wouldn't work.
They said it was a terrible risk,
but I want to keep on making films
just like this.
The video-film combination, it's something
that's really been done before,
but not quite like this.
I'm glad the reception was so great.
And I'm just happy to be here.
Vive la France.
Bless you.

I can relive our time together.Those precious memories that I yearn to forget.Time slips through my fingers like sand.The fires of our love have burned out,and now there is nothing.Nothing but a sky black with ashes.I won't forget you, your kisses like soft fruit.Your laught...

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