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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-26 09:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:01


  篇一:i love my hometown我爱我的家乡

  my hometown is a small village located in the mountains.it is surrounded by lush hills and woods with a brook running through it.this is where children often frolic.the buildings in the village are old in appearance but peaceful.in the middle is a square,where there is a big tree,under which the elderly often meet drinking tea or chatting.everyone looks satisfied and happy,which is also true of other villagers.i love my lometown,and i hope it may be as beautiful as ever.

  篇二:i love my hometown我爱我的家乡

  i was born in a small village with a hill behind it and many big areas of feilds in front. most of the villagers live in tall buildings like the people in cities.in their home, they have telephones,tv sets,washing machines and so on.they can also use drinking water supplied by the water company in the village,but it costs them a little money every year.if they plant crops, the goverment will give them some money as encouragement.the more land they farm, the more money they will get.all around the year, they work on their farm land for only four or five months.in the rest time,they often work in the cities nearby for money.they needn’t worry about anything for living, such as food or clothes.

  there is a tall teaching building with a computer room, a reading room, a meeting room,a lab and sixteen class-rooms in our school.around it are big trees and behind the building is a wide playground for us to do sports on.all the teachers work carefully and teach us very well.

  what is more,when we are ill or want to do some shopping and so on, everything is ok without leaving the village.

  but in the past, it is said there were few people living in two houses made of wood,grass and mud.that is why it is still called two houses today.it is not hard to imagine what their life was like.

  now i feel that i am proud of my hometown.as a student,i must study hard to get more knowledge so that i can build my village better when i grow up.

  篇三:i love my hometown我爱我的家乡

  dear teachers and friends:

  good morning! my name is somiar, and my chinese name is lu ziyan. i’m from the second experiment primary school in jinyun. i study in class 3, grade 5. i like my teachers and classmates. and i like my family, too. that is a lovely family. there are three members in my family---my father, my mother and me. my mother is a teacher, my father is a cook. they all love me, and i love them, too. you see, i’m a lovely, easy-going and kind girl. i like reading books, singing songs and playing computer games, and also i’m fond of speaking english with my english teacher, miss chen. because i like english. do you like english? do you love me? i hope i can not only improve my english but also make more friends by the speech.

  today, i’d like to talk about my hometown---lishui. i love my hometown. it’s a beautiful land in the southwest of zhejiang. it’s famous for green mountain and clean water. it’s the first country pictured in china. there are many great places of interest in my hometown, such as sendo, nanming mountain, east-west rock and so on. every years, many people come to visit lishui and take some beautiful photos. and you can see the photos in some books. how beautiful! have you been there? it’s a pity really, if you not.

  do you know ou river? it’s a river of people’s life. it keeps running and running all the year round, just like a lively horse. there are many resources and special procts in my hometown, like qingtian stone carving, longquan double-edged sword and qingyuan mushroom. do you know them? all of them are famous in the world. how cool! i love my hometown. it’s getting more and more beautiful now. one day, i think it will be the centre of shopping as well as traveling.

  would you like to visit my hometown? i hope to see you soon. “one world one dream.” let’s have a great time in my hometown lishui.

  that’s all. thank you!


My hometown is Haimen. It’s not very large, but it’s very beautiful. There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong. There is a beautiful park; its name is Dongzhou Park. You can exercise and go walking there.我的家乡是海门。它不是很大,但它很漂亮。


My hometow My hometown is a beautiful 地名, my hometown has mountains and trees. I love my hometown.In winter, when it snows, I can make snowmen with my friends, also can wear new clothes, in autumn, the farmers were very happy, because it is a harvest season, the weather...


我爱祖国,爱人民,爱爸爸妈妈,更爱我的家乡――绍兴!“悠悠鉴湖水,香甜的绍兴酒。”憨厚的绍兴人造就了一代代的伟人。绍兴是一个水乡、桥乡、酒乡的历史文化名城,当然也是一个旅游观光的胜地。 我爱家乡的河,它绿的让人陶醉,好象水中的一条碧绿而干净的带子。又似一堵城墙,日夜守卫着绍兴的每一个人。它清得...


My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere.But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords ...


My hometown lies in the south of Changjiang River. In spring, the weather in my hometown is very comfortbable,neither too hot nor too cold.It is very suitable for human living there.But in summer, it will become more and more hoter.And the highest temperature is about over 38...

英语作文 《我的家乡》?

see my hometown, it is very beautiful. I love my hometown.我的家乡 在我的家乡,冬天很冷夏天很热,秋天的春天很好,但是会有大雨。这里有很多的田地,当然也有许多的菜和果子。蔬菜和果子也很甜。我们这里的山很低,例如大青山。我爬上过大青山看我的家乡,那是非常的美丽。我爱我的家乡。

英语作文 题目 我的家乡 不少于400字

I love my hometown.All the more I love its people.They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful我的家乡是一个小镇,那里风景优美,绿树成阴.春天,树枝抽出了嫩绿的枝条,小草懒洋洋地睁开眼,花儿们也纷纷盛开了,红的、蓝的、黄的、紫的,千奇百怪,五光十色.花儿...


我的家乡天空蔚蓝,空气清新,水儿甜美,人们好客。我爱我的家乡。My home village is small one. It is in Yuxian county of Shanxi Province. Small as it is, it is very beautiful.There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In ...


我爱我的家乡。更我爱的人。 他们都在努力,使仍然更丰富,更美好。 英语作文 我的家乡 I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather is warm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry....


1949年我的家乡解放了。自那以后发生了很大的变化。街道已拓宽。工厂,学校,医院,电影院和剧院如雨后春笋般涌现出来。人们的生活大大改善了。I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.我爱我的家乡。我更...

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