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《睡美人》(英语: Sleeping beauty)的故事梗概是怎样的?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-26 12:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 13:09



Since the sleeping beauty has many editions, the following only describes the contents of the Charles Pero version and the Green brothers edition.
Sleeping beauty is the child of a queen. The queen was so pleased that she invited all the friends of the human race and the fairies to come to the feast. But did not invite the wicked witch Cara persia. The matter was aware, jealous and resentful of the witch was uninvited, the princess will be spinning machine spindle finger prick and killed the curse as a gift. Fortunately, the Lilac Fairy did not offer blessings, she put the witch's spell relief, the princess will not die. But the princess will still sleep, until a princess who really loves the princess comes to offer her kiss, and the princess will wake up. An old woman in Guta shows a spindle to a princess (painted by Alexander) Thus, the king ordered the prohibition of the use of the spindle. However, the princess fifteen at the age of six was in a Guta with a spindle spinning is the old woman, the princess is next to the spindle that fell to the ground. Damn, the princess has been sleeping in the forest, surrounded by vines as princess bed curtain thorns.
Year in and year out, until one day, a young prince passed by, fulfilled the fairy's blessing and kissed the princess. All the people in the castle came to life and went on doing what they had not done before. From the beginning, the prince and princess lived happily ever after.
But this is not the end of the Perot version. After the marriage, the princess gave birth to two children, named Jour (Aurore) and sun (sun) respectively. The king's mother is a fairy, a prince while she wanted to go out to fight, the princess and the two children. But e to ct and disobedience, respectively with the lamb and the deer deceived mother. But his mother eventually found out the truth when she is ready to be filled with the princess and the child thrown into the toad and the serpent barrel, the king back in time. See their behavior was found, his mother angrily threw into the barrel, eaten by snakes. Others lived happily and happily.
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