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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-26 20:29



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 10:35

《Princess' diary 》 the medium rice benefit is second is an ordinary have no strange high school student, not known to public in school, she is thus even to talk everyday.Suddenly and one day, the rice benefit the grandmother whom much more second year never contact comes to visit incredibly, she invites the rice benefit second drink the afternoon tea, the rice benefit is second to discover that the oneself is the princess of the European small country incredibly, is also a scepter to inherit the person uniquely.But the second grandmother of the rice benefit must make the rice benefit second to keep form but change substance in the most short time.The rice benefit is second in the process of ugly ckling change swan, can't adapt, still were discriminate against by the taunt of the classmate.She but treat own person to turn a blind eye sincerely beside to oneself's body, let all people feel sad.The diary that the rice benefit is second to come in sight of the father finally, she decide the brave face the realities, no longer evading.
What seeing this film make me know to is strong, what is brave.When I want to be us to meet various difficulties in the life, should think that the rice benefit is second similar and brave and strong, shouldn't shrink back, even shouldn't evade.Because evade and can't resolve any problem, face only is just problem-solving unique method.In the film, the rice docile that benefit is second, the sincerity also moved me deeply, now we nearby the many peoples all have no rice benefit second this kind of sincerity and docile, sometimes even is deceitful and crafty.So we should to second study of the rice benefit, you will discover that her body contain a lot of flashlights order.
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