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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-26 20:29



热心网友 时间:2023-08-28 14:13



We're gonna take things back to the way things used to be, when a love song - was a love song.

You have got to have the bluest eyes I've ever seen,
And when I wake from dreamin,
I am screamin out your name,
Yes, I must confess,
You simply are the best,
And there's no point denyin,
When I'm lyin by your side,

It's more than just a crush,
Every time we touch,
Cause, baby, you know you make this feel brand new,
Like there's been no one else but you,
For the first time, I feel,
This could be the last time, I'm real,
Fall, in love,

For a thousand years,
I hope to stay right here,
Wrapped up all around you,
So that I found you and I feel,
You make me feel so pure,
Like you're some kind of cure,
Baby, you're my healer,
You heart stealer of a man,

It's more than just a crush,
Every time we touch,
Cause, baby, you know you make this feel brand new,
Like there's been no one else but you,
For the first time, I feeel,
This could be the last time, I'm real,
Fall in, in love,

Hold me, baby cause you know me,
With every single touch,
It's more than just a crush,
Reach me, only you can see me,
And what I crave so much,
It's more than just a crush,

It's more than just a crush,
Every time we touch,
Cause baby, you know you make this feel brand new,
Like there's been no one else but you,
For the first time, I feel,
This could be the last time I'm real,
Fall in, in love, for a thousand years...

热心网友 时间:2023-08-28 14:14

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