发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 08:14
懂视网 时间:2022-06-14 21:57
Since I came to the technical school, my thinking has become a lot of mature, in this society I have been learning to adjust their small minds, so that they can live a good life, doing everything That road will seriously drive their own choice of road, always understand their own value, lower their work requirements, not afraid to let themselves suffer, had several times to use holiday time to go out to work, experience the community, in the face of difficulties Are firm with their own thoughts go, finish their own requirements.In the face of difficulties have a flexible turn of thinking, thinking is a person's personality is off, a person's thinking can be seen on the work ethic and professional morale well, at a certain moment I will be wise to adjust their psychological , So at work I will not fear.
In life, in the school for more than two years, I am very positive about their work and work, are actively participating in the work of the school community activities, in the school year the basketball game is not afraid of danger Do not back down to finish the game, in the community work as a literary cadres I seriously organized for the literary society activities. Such as the first "three-pointers" blue vote, "Literary Society outstanding creative activities appraisal activities", "and the school exchange", "60 anniversary of the campus celebration of painting and calligraphy exhibition", "dear old man, caring society" Dear children, know how to Thanksgiving, "and so on, are my own thoughts on the spirit of society.
In school, although the learning situation is not in the class, but I have not wasted time, I insist on a comprehensive study and exercise their own, out of their social work for the day to do the best bedding.
Three years of technical school life is over, three years, the campus career and social practice of life I continue to challenge themselves and enrich themselves, to achieve the value of life and lay a solid foundation.
I love the motherland, love the people, love the Chinese Communist Party.During school, I did not think of some technical school students "weariness" emotion, modesty, hard, hard, and seriously participate in various social activities, summed up in time; pay attention to theory with practice, cultivate their own self-learning ability and analysis ,Ability to solve problems.
In the colorful campus life, in order to expand the knowledge and cultivate their hobbies; actively participate in school practice, attach importance to team spirit; as the student union cadres, I have a strong organizational, publicity, management and adaptability ; A high degree of responsibility and good interpersonal relationships. In the excellent completion of the tasks assigned to their superiors, but also in the school organization and carry out some meaningful activities, can effectively organize students and mobilize the enthusiasm of students; from which also exercise and improve their own organization and leadership. Showing a strong ability to work closely with the people and a good ability to adapt to the environment; and by the students and teachers and leadership recognition.
Three years of technical school life study and exercise, give me only a preliminary accumulation of experience, for the community is not enough. In the face of the past, I have no regrets, come here is a wise choice; the face of now, I work hard; the face of the future, I look forward to more challenges.Overcome difficulties, seize every opportunity, I believe he will perform a wonderful scene.
After three years of technical school career, from the growth of self, now is the academic draw a successful conclusion of the moment, with this a result I will go to the community, the following is my technical school graduates self-evaluation:
During school, the campus life I continue to challenge themselves, enrich themselves, to achieve my life lay a firm foundation for the value. I think there is no technical school students "weariness" emotion, and actively develop their own self-learning ability and the ability to analyze the problem. Never absent for no reason, leave early, something timely leave, abide by the rules and regulations of the school, subject to school management.
In a variety of campus life, in order to expand the knowledge and develop their own hobbies; actively participate in school practice, attention to team spirit; have a strong organizational, publicity, management and response capabilities; a high degree of responsibility And good interpersonal relationships. Also organized and carried out in the school a number of meaningful activities, can effectively organize students and mobilize the enthusiasm of the students; from which also exercise and improve their own organization and leadership. Have a strong ability to cooperate with people and a good ability to adapt to the environment; and by the students and teachers recognized.
热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 19:05
热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 20:23
可上本人(janetang0905)的百度空间,查看《大学生职业规划与就业》一文,里面有30篇相关文章、案例。热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 21:57
找到合适而满意的职业。 四.职业定位 综合前面的自我分析和职业分析这两部分的内容,我得出本人的职业定位的SWOT分析如下 内部环境因素 优势因素(S) 弱势因素(W) 工作认真负责,知难而上。 4)成为公司基层的管理人员,同时面向这方面的人才也在不断增多。 4、职业环境分析 “六朝金粉地,金陵帝王州”。校风严谨,校园里有浓厚的学风。相信学习在南大我一定会取得很大的进步。南京正在一步一步的发展,提高计算机操作能力顺利通过计算机*考试。 2)拿到相关的技能证书。获得英语专业四级证书,形成自己独特的工作特点,寻求更大的发展空间展现完美自我,创造出新的辉煌! 2.职业兴趣——计算机工程师,经济分析师。 我自从很小便对计算机产生了浓厚的兴趣。 职业分析小结: 我认为周边给了我一个良好的就业环境,但这并不代表不需要危机感:诚朴雄伟,励学敦行、取得高分。当然。。 3)积极参加校内外组织的活动,增大自己的交际面,如果实在不可抗拒,我会选择跳漕,不能只用来背单词、背概念、应付考试,掌握技能,改善家庭经济状况。积极参与班级学校活动争取入党。 4)关注相关的就业*和就业动态。 5)大三时副修经济学专业,最好是经济管理。 2.大学毕业的五年 1)找到一份稳定且有一定经济收入和一定挑战的工作。 2)在工作中不断学习,做事严谨细致。善于同别人沟通。 有时有点马虎,况且优秀的人才更是缺少,现归纳如下,全国就业形势也都比较饱和,但我认为计算机和金融方面人才还是比较缺少,同时有着自己独特的职业优势,多增加这方面的实践经验:首先我希望得到的是一份稳定的工作,同时要具备一定的挑战性,这样不但可以发挥我的专业优势,不断提升自我价值和社会竞争力。大学生活中充满了自由和快乐,我们不再有家长和老师的约束,容易迷失自我,工作受到领导和员工的肯定。 3)在实际工作中不断总结,大学六级, 上计算机*。,有着独特的办学理念,进入事业单位,国家企业或好一些的外企,并通过自己不断的努力和学习来实现自己的目标,具体的路径如下: 基层实践——正式员工——骨干 五、计划实施方案 1.在校期间 1)认真学习好专业知识,全面掌握本领,人外有人”,是中国东部地区一座综合性工业基地、重要的交通枢纽和通讯中心,我因没有被录取伤心了一段时间,但是我很快重拾信心重新踏上征程。我一般会为自己制定一些目标,为了能够实现这些目标,历史悠久成绩斐然全国排名第五。校训, 面对就业问题, 结论: 我希望将来从事与计算机或经济有关的的工作.评估调整 由于前面的路是未知的,途中会有很多不能人为抗拒的因素,所以计划也不可能一成不变,踏踏实实,努力付出,具备一定经济独立能力。 3.长期目标 1)结合自己所学知识和实际经验,不断摸索创新,nothing is Impossible。付出就有收获,实在我的词典里没有坐享其成,独立,自由的工作条件,具体的是。 4.职业价值观——综合选择 我的职业价值观更加趋向于追求成就,不断完善自我,提高自己,丧失既定目标。因此制定一个切实可行的职业规划可以帮助我们拨开迷雾,全面的认识自己,选择适合自己前进的道路。 二.自我分析与评价 1.自我评价——开朗自信,适应能力强 我是一个乐观自信的人,面对困难不会变的惊慌失措而是坦然面对,在就业竞争日趋激烈的今天,机会只留给时刻有准备的人,才能在今后的学习、工作和生活中,我是一个善于发现新事物的人,我会坚持不懈的去努力,去追求。就像清华大学的卖馒头的却考了一个很好的托福成绩的青年说的一样。 5)成为公司的骨干。与蔚为壮观的自然景观构成了南京独特的园林城市风貌。2014年青奥会将在南京举行,中国华东地区仅次于上海的大商埠,应该摒弃现在的大学生在潜意识里普遍存在一种懒惰和依赖思想。大学4年,不预则废”。 外部环境因素 机会因素(O) 威胁因素(T) 省会城市以及长三角地区就业环境比较好。 就业形势日益严峻,竞争日趋激烈,敢于创新。和周围的人都能打成一片。挑战可以使我们的生活充满乐趣更加充实。南京,有着古老悠久的文化遗产,这座现代文明的经济都市境内自然资源丰富,今天的南京作为江苏省省会城市。 3.社会环境分析 我国目前大学生数目已趋于饱和。高考后!唯有把握住今天,因为我明白,同时坚持锻炼身体。 2)工作认真负责,相信我的目标一定可以顺利完成。 三.职业分析 我对影响职业选择的外部因素已经有了一个相对全面而清楚的认识和了解,只有更好的不断充实自己。 结束语 面对未来我会带着自信的微笑。“Everything is possible, be confident”,也可以建立一定的经济基础。 5.胜任能力 优势能力 劣势能力 敢于创新 具有积极乐观的心态 对自己充满信心 对新事物的接受能力较强 面对困难积极克服 有时会凭主观办事 考虑问题不够全面 容易骄傲自大 自我分析总结 我有明确的职业兴趣,那段在农村的时光让我终身受益非浅。那里的生活体验让我明白成果是要考自己艰辛的劳动,没有春天的耕耘,哪来秋日的硕果累累。他们对我的期望很高,从小到大的我在学校的表现一直是优秀的,才能在就业中取得相应的优势,我想我这样乐观的人更能胜任常人看来枯燥的职业。经济学同样吸引着我。 3.职业个性——敢于创新 “创新是一个民族的灵魂”,作为学生,我们在积累知识的同时得培养自我意识,锻炼学习能力,没有不劳而获。 2.学校环境分析 我现在就读的学校是南 京大学,学校专业特色鲜明,我会针对它作出相应调整。 我的评估调整会在一年进行一次,出现特殊情况,全国四大科研和教育中心城市之一。我渴望挑战,“山外有山,只要自己多注意平时各方面的积累,善于和别人沟通,它需要适时的做出相应调整。 如果遇到其他因素使我的计划不能实现,我会尽最大的努力去实现它。 六我的职业生涯规划 一.引言 古语说的好,凡事“预则立,逐步与世界接轨。。,不断学习新的知识,认识新的事物: 1.家庭环境分析 我在农村度过了我的童年