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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-27 12:39



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 00:28

she 吧!这是用吉他弹出来的。我只有吉他谱!





D (以下如此类推)
she is the flame, and she is the blame.
she is the gain, and she is the pain
she’s running,
she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
she’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure
She’s trying, she’s collecting
all the diamonds in the street.
She’s taking and she’s dancing
with the devils rushing away.

She is my name, and she is my pain.
She is my fame, and she is my gain.
She’s running, she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
She’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure.
She’s trying, she’s collecting
all the diamonds in the street.
She’s taking and she’s dancing
with the devils rushing away.

She’s running, she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
She’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure.

也许是try to
歌词:Hold back the dogs running through the fields.
They are trying to escape
to nowhere, not here.

Be careful not to hurt them
'cause they will be the stars.
They'll shine through the distance
and they'll light up our dreams.

They'll never get tired.
They'll never get tired.
They are just trying to get it over.

Gather all the tears
Rolling down his face
They are the pearls
in our dreams we can never have.
They'll take our hearts outside
and we'll go far away.
we'll be struck by the stars
never apart.

They'll never get tired.
They'll never get tired.
They are just trying to get it overEND

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 00:29

she 吧!这是用吉他弹出来的。我只有吉他谱!





D (以下如此类推)
she is the flame, and she is the blame.
she is the gain, and she is the pain
she’s running,
she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
she’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure
She’s trying, she’s collecting
all the diamonds in the street.
She’s taking and she’s dancing
with the devils rushing away.

She is my name, and she is my pain.
She is my fame, and she is my gain.
She’s running, she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
She’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure.
She’s trying, she’s collecting
all the diamonds in the street.
She’s taking and she’s dancing
with the devils rushing away.

She’s running, she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
She’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure.

也许是try to
歌词:Hold back the dogs running through the fields.
They are trying to escape
to nowhere, not here.

Be careful not to hurt them
'cause they will be the stars.
They'll shine through the distance
and they'll light up our dreams.

They'll never get tired.
They'll never get tired.
They are just trying to get it over.

Gather all the tears
Rolling down his face
They are the pearls
in our dreams we can never have.
They'll take our hearts outside
and we'll go far away.
we'll be struck by the stars
never apart.

They'll never get tired.
They'll never get tired.
They are just trying to get it overEND

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 00:29

she 吧!这是用吉他弹出来的。我只有吉他谱!





D (以下如此类推)
she is the flame, and she is the blame.
she is the gain, and she is the pain
she’s running,
she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
she’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure
She’s trying, she’s collecting
all the diamonds in the street.
She’s taking and she’s dancing
with the devils rushing away.

She is my name, and she is my pain.
She is my fame, and she is my gain.
She’s running, she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
She’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure.
She’s trying, she’s collecting
all the diamonds in the street.
She’s taking and she’s dancing
with the devils rushing away.

She’s running, she’s searching
through all the golden mountains.
She’s aching, she’s waiting
for the one could really be sure.

也许是try to
歌词:Hold back the dogs running through the fields.
They are trying to escape
to nowhere, not here.

Be careful not to hurt them
'cause they will be the stars.
They'll shine through the distance
and they'll light up our dreams.

They'll never get tired.
They'll never get tired.
They are just trying to get it over.

Gather all the tears
Rolling down his face
They are the pearls
in our dreams we can never have.
They'll take our hearts outside
and we'll go far away.
we'll be struck by the stars
never apart.

They'll never get tired.
They'll never get tired.
They are just trying to get it overEND
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