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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-23 06:19



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 15:18

It's Only A Matter Of Practice (Practice Makes Perfect)
Chen Yaozi was an ace archer.His fame spread far and wide.Every time he performed,a large crowd gathered to watch.
One day an old man who made his living selling oil happened to pass by.Seeing the crowd before him,he also stopped to watch.
All eyes were bent on Chen Yaozi.His shots were very precise,and the crowd cheered him on with rounds and rounds of applause.The old man,however,just nodded his head.He did not seem to be the least impressed.
Chen Yaozi was not pleased.After taking his bow,he stalked angrily up to the old man and eyed him from head to foot."Do you know how to shoot?" he snapped.
The old man shook his head and said,"No,I don't!Still,I don't think there's anything special with your performance.It's only a matter of practice."
Chen Yaozi flew into a temper."You hardly know a thing about archery," he snarled,"yet you're pretending to be an expert!"
"Don't get upset over what I said!" said the old man."I make my living selling oil,and through the years I've mastered a little trick.
Let me show you this trick,then you'll see what I mean."
The old man set his oil gourd on the ground an placed a coin over its mouth.He then stood up and began pouring oil using a ladle.
The oil went straight through the hole of the coin,filling up the oil gourd without staining the coin at all.
"There's nothing special about this," smiled the old man."It's only a matter of practice."
From then on,Chen Yaozi became a very humble archer
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