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Cody Simpson的《Angel》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-22 19:06



热心网友 时间:2024-11-26 08:08

歌手:Cody Simpson
专辑:Coast To Coast Ep

My angel
How'd you get to be so fly,
How'd you get to shine so bright, girl
How'd you get to look like that,
Heaven don't you call her back, yeah
Doo doo doo doo do
Halo Halo, I'm not sayin' hi,
Baby there's a ring above your head,
And it shines so bright in the sunlight, in the sunlight
Ayo Ayo, this is like a dream
Every bit of you it makes me weak,
How did I get here, in the sunlight, in the sun
I must be in Heaven
Cause I'm looking at an Angel
Whose staring back at me
Her eyes so heavenly
I must be in Heaven
Cause I'm looking at an Angel
There's no one on this Earth
That's made this beautiful
I must be in Heaven
Here we are, looking at the stars
I can hear, the beating of your heart,
I could listen to this song forever
You're the breeze, cruising down my coast,
You're the jam, baby I'm the toast,
It's so sweet when we're together
And if I ruled the world I'd name an island for ya,
You could tell all your girls I named an island for you
And it shines so bright in the moonlight
In the moonlight, my angel
Please heaven don't you call her back,
Cody Simpson

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