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英文铃声歌词come to be my man歌曲名称

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-22 04:04



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 08:32

Lucky Strike - Maroon 5

You're such a motivator I gotta get you where
So sick of saying yes sir yes sir
You're such an instigator you wanna play the game
Take it or leave it that's her that's her
And I can't wait another minute
I can't take the look she's giving

Your body rocking keep me up all night

One in a million
My lucky strike
Got me so high and then she dropped me
But she got me she got me she got me bad

Took me inside and then she rocked me
And she keep me up all night
This is what it sounds like
Oh my lucky strike
Oh my lucky strike

Your body rocking keep me up all night

One in a million my lucky strike
Stuck in an elevator she take me to the sky
And I don't wanna go down go down
She said I'll feel you later go ahead and fantasize
She make me want her right now right now
And I can't wait another minute
I can't take the look she's giving

Your body rocking keep me up all night

One in a million

My lucky strike

Got me so high and then she dropped me
But she got me she got me she got me bad

Took me inside and then she rocked me
She keep me up all night
This is what it sounds like
Oh my lucky strike
Oh my lucky strike

Your body rocking keep me up all night

One in a million my lucky strike
Hey you're taking all my pain away
You're shaking like an earthquake

Hey you're taking all my pain away
You're shaking like an earthquake

Got me so high and then she dropped me
But she got me she got me she got me bad

Took me inside and then she rocked me
Then she keep me up all night
This is what it sounds like
Oh my lucky strike
Oh my lucky strike

Your body rocking keep me up all night

One in a million my lucky strike

My lucky strike my lucky strike

Your body rocking keep me up all night

One in a million
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