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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-22 11:14



热心网友 时间:2024-01-24 07:14

1.Some words can hurt people easily,so please pay attention to the language violence.language violence,sometimes,fiercer than physical violence.Therefore, do think twice before speaking

2.As I am going to be a teacher in the future, it's very important for me to be patient with the children, otherwise one will lose more than patience and has to learn how to inspire them.

3.You are the only one who can recscue yourself from the edge ,and trust you can make it.

4.Who else is willing to feed them if you don't? Gave birth to them means you get an extra responsibility.

5.Looking older is the only thing you can get from smoking ,one may have a 80-year-old appearance even he/her just 40-year-old.Be away from the cigarette!

热心网友 时间:2024-01-24 07:15

1. Some of the language is easy to hurt people , please note that the language of violence , language, violence, sometimes than physical violence even more severe . Speak Think before you .
2. to treat a child to be patient , otherwise those you will lose than the patient more things , to learn inced inspire children in the future as a teacher, it is important to me
3. Only you can save on the edge of their own, believe they can save themselves.
4. If you do not feed them, then who will feed it? Gave birth to them means more of a responsibility.
5. Smoking will only make you look older , 40 -year-old who birthday has a as the 80 -year-old the same appearance . Stay away from cigarettes.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-24 07:15

1 some languages easily hurt people, please pay attention to language, language violence sometimes violent than physical violence. Please think twice before speaking.
2 to treat children who have patience, no more than you can lose patience, learn to inspire children inction, as a teacher, it's important to me
3. Only you can save on the edge of the yourself, that you can save yourself.
4 if you don't feed them, then who will feed? Next they meant a responsibility.
5 smoking will only make you look older age 40, who is 80 years old birthday as as appearance. From tobacco smoke.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-24 07:16

1. Some of the language is easy to hurt people, please note that the language of violence, language, violence, sometimes even more severe than physical violence. Think before you speak.
2. To treat a child to be patient, otherwise you will lose those things more than the patient, inced inspire children to learn in the future as a teacher, it is important to me
3. Only you can save on the edge of their own, believe they can save themselves.
4. If you do not feed them, then who will feed it? Gave birth to them means more of a responsibility.
5. Smoking will only make you look older, 40-year-old who has a birthday the same as the 80-year-old appearance. Stay away from cigarettes.
1. some languages are very easy to injure the human, sometimes please note the language violence, the language violence must be fiercer than the bodily violence. Before the speech, please three think. 2. treats the child to have the patience, otherwise you will lose compared to patience more things, must learn to ince the inspiration child, in the future will take a teacher, this only then you can save to my very important 3. in edge, believed that oneself may save itself.if 4. you do not feed them, then feeds by who? Gave birth to them to mean many responsibilities. the 5. smoking will let you will only appear older, 40 year-old person will celebrate a birthday when has an elephant 80 year-old same semblance. Is far away from the cigarette.
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