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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 06:43



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 02:39

It shows that it will be sunny in most part of China for each day in the next five days.This is calculated based on different types of weather.so if a day is forecast to be sunny. we will see a sunny or partly cloudy symbol rather than a rain cloud. The wind speed and direction are the expected conditions at midday.But in southern part of China will have light rain,The temperature will be 15 to 8 centigrade. We hope people can take umbrella with when you go out.In northern part the temperature will get down,so pay attention to your cloth.
天气预报显示在未来五天内,中国大部分地区都会是晴天.这是由几种不同的天气类型推算的, 我们将看到大部分的晴天和局部阴天而不是阴雨天气.而风速和风向是由正午的天气情况决定的,但是在中国南方地区会有小雨,气温在15-8摄式度. 我们希望大家出门时要带伞.而在中国北部的气温会下降,所以应及时添减衣物


热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 02:40


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It shows that it will be sunny in most part of China for each day in the next five days.This is calculated based on different types of weather.so if a day is forecast to be sunny. we will see a sunny or partly cloudy symbol rather than a rain cloud. The wind speed and...


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Welcome to watch!Weather Forecast A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific. Meanwhile, precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north. There could be 3 to 5 inches of...


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The temperature will be 15 to 8 centigrade. We hope people can take umbrella with when you go out.In northern part the temperature will get down,so pay attention to your cloth.天气预报显示在未来五天内,中国大部分地区都会是晴天.这是由几种不同的天气类型推算的, 我们将看到大部分...

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