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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-25 22:12



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 06:05

1. 用ipad写一篇英语作文

Ipad is a fashionable proct. Many people are crazy about it, including the youngsters. It seems cool to have an Ipad. But, it's really good to the youngsters? Ipad是新潮玩意,很多人为之疯狂,尤其是年轻人。

拥有一台ipad,听上去很酷,但是是否对年轻人就是件好事呢? Ipad has various functions. It is diverse and it's easier to carry than the puter. As to study, it makes learning easy, funny and interesting. It's able to broaden students' knowledge. However, its disadvantages seem obvious,too. People can play games and search the Inter by Ipad, so some students may be addicted to the games, which will do harm to their study. Furthermore, the Ipad is not cheap that it would make students pare to others. Students may feel proud to have an Ipad. Ipad有很多功能,比电脑更便于携带。用于学习时,它使学习更简单,更有趣味性。


其次,ipad价格也挺贵,容易引起学生攀比,以拥有ipad为傲。 All in all, Ipad is a high-tech proct. No matter who should use it properly. 总之,ipad是高科技产品,不管对谁,都得使用得当。

2. 用ipad写一篇英语作文

Ipad is a fashionable proct. Many people are crazy about it, including the youngsters. It seems cool to have an Ipad. But, it's really good to the youngsters?


Ipad has various functions. It is diverse and it's easier to carry than the puter. As to study, it makes learning easy, funny and interesting. It's able to broaden students' knowledge. However, its disadvantages seem obvious,too. People can play games and search the Inter by Ipad, so some students may be addicted to the games, which will do harm to their study. Furthermore, the Ipad is not cheap that it would make students pare to others. Students may feel proud to have an Ipad.


All in all, Ipad is a high-tech proct. No matter who should use it properly.


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