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请帮我翻译几个句子吧! 谢谢了,

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-06 08:36



热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:24

1.Please join the discussion wtih us .
2.I wil work hard to get a better job.
3.I live in a village where a small river runs through it.
4.His father was born in nothern and fond of eating noodles.So was my father.
5.I'd rather stay at home than go outside.
6.Why don't you try to change your opinion?
7.A large number of students are praised,including Li Yong.
8.The boy we met yesterday is our new classmate.
I’d rahter 后接动词原形。。。谢谢。。。。。。。。

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:24

please take part in our discussion
in order to find a good job, i have to work hard.
i live in a village with a small river runs through it.
his father comes from the north. he likes noodles. so does my father.
i would rather stay at home than go out when it rains
why not change your mind?
many students were praised at the meeting besides Li Yong.
the boy we met yesterday is our new classmate.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:25

1.Please come and join our discussing,
2.I have to study hard in order to find a good job.
3.I live in a small village with a river.
4.His father is a Northern person and he likes noodles.So does my father.
5.I'd rather staying at home than going out when it's raining.
6.Why don't you consider changing your ideas?
7.Many students are praised at the meeting besides Li Yong.
8.The boy we met yesterday is our new classmate.


热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:25

1, please join us in the discussion!
2, in order to find a good job, I must study hard.
3 and I live in the brook of villages.
4, his father was a northerner, he likes to eat noodles, my father also like.
5, rainy day I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.
6, why not consider change your mind?
7, many students at the meeting to obtain the praise, including lee courageously.
8, we ran into yesterday boy, is our new classma

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:26

Please join us and discuss with us.
In order to find a good job,I have to study hard.
I live in a village where there is a river.
His father lives in north,he likes noodles,so as my father.
I would stay at home rather than go out in rainy days.
Why not consider changing your mind?
Many students were commended,including Li Yong.
The boy we met yesterday is our new classmate.

我的世界手游天堂门怎么做 天堂门怎么放水 肌肤暗沉怎么调理?肌肤美白小窍门 该收心回归工作的说说 开启上班模式幽默说说(开启上班模式,享受美好生活) 格兰仕电磁炉e0换245k电阻用两次又烧 格兰仕电磁炉显示E4怎么办? ...于海中小虾,海中大虾……瀚海蛟龙的性质。谢谢了 相亲之后一周都有联系,也有出去吃饭看电影,但不明确男方具体什么态度... 相亲男之前一直对我很好(三天两头喊我看电影,吃饭),正好聊的那段时间我... ...个星期几每天晚上叫我出去吃饭看电影 当然都是他买单 。这样弄的... 换拉链改裤脚开在哪里赚钱一点 ...开一家做零活的服装店,比如,上拉链,婉裤脚,改衣服长短肥瘦,能剩钱... 龙口东海名居有卖锅盖电视天线的吗 投影仪侧头缩放怎么回事 侧面投影仪放置方法 傻春电视剧,我看里头她买的电视机上有自带天线,为什么还要在屋顶高 ... 缺项的成语缺项的成语是什么 在广州市中心开一间裁缝店一年能赚多少钱?是老裁缝来的,也会修改衣服... 卡西欧tr750和t8选哪个 大连哪里有电视天线卖的 中国工商银行股份有限公司祥云支行怎么样? 祥云福抵的房子是大产权吗?是大名的房子 茶叶和酒能一起喝吗 喝完茶叶可不可以喝甜酒 喝完茶叶可以喝酒嘛 华为手环8测心率关了运动还能测吗 加油站开业时,加油机在技术监督局进行了备案,之后,需要每年进行年审吗... 加油机检定证书保存多长时间 什么情况下出具检定证书?什么情况下出具不合格的通知书? 最囧游戏2.59关怎么过 谁能帮我翻译一些句子,非常感谢 多囊促排了几次,要是还不怀孕,下一步该怎么办 地面波天线实体店有卖吗? 大悟铂悦豪曼试用期是多久 昆明铂悦翡翠澜庭开发商是哪家公司? 怎么种植香雪兰种球? 黄白相间的猫是什么品种? 浙b00003是什么人的车 让人为之疯狂的车牌号你知道么?如题 谢谢了 车牌豫A00003什么概念 gs00003车牌黑色奥迪英文是红色 航空公司体检要裸检?背上有纹身可以吗 空中乘务员体检要查裸眼视力吗 三亚国家海岸保利海棠二期有多少户? 奥西亚诺海景美居别墅(三亚海棠湾免税城店)具体位置 中等收入群体有哪些 为什么现在好多短视频都停更了呢? 被人问到那你心动了嘛,怎么回答? 你心动了嘛 用英文怎么说 0512是区号,那么6299开头的电话是什么地方的