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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-27 13:49



热心网友 时间:2024-01-03 14:42


Respected leaders:


Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance browse this letter, thank you for an optimistic young demonsspxate my chance.


During the university, in the strict study attitude in learning I pay attention to practical ability, the professional knowledge and in combination with practice, actively take part in all kinds of social activities, learn me to practice, and continuously enhance their ability to work for the future carry out all work and lay a solid foundation.


In English, I passed the national English test band 4, good listening, speaking, writing and translation.


This four years of study and exercise, make me not only learned knowledge, improve the comprehensive quality, more important is taught me how to be a person, trained me to stringent and pragmatic, seeking innovation personal accomplishment. Trying to learn this professional knowledge while, I constantly enrich himself, to strive to become current social needed talents.


In school life that I except assious learning book knowledge, but also continuously part in extracurricular sports activities, so as to improve their overall quality usually, I also like to play basketball this I have a pair of good body for the future work provides a good foundation. During my internship, I was in the hospital come into contact with all kinds of people, let my exchange level has improved a lot.


Bosom self-confident I recommend yourself, if you're lucky enough to become a member of your company, I wish to starts from the minor matter, starts from now, starts to take advice responsible, hard work, in practice continuously study, play to one's own initiative and creativity, trying to unit of development added a brilliance.


Finally whether your company whether you choose me, all hope that your company business. Here I shall appreciate hearing from you again.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-03 14:43

Recommendation letter from the
Dear leaders:
Thank you for your busy schele to benefit view this letter, thank you for giving young people a positive opportunity to fully display their.
While in college studying in a rigorous manner, in learning, I focus on the actual abilities, the professional knowledge and practice, and actively participate in various social activities, I have learned into practice, and constantly enhance their work ability to carry out the work for the future and lay a solid foundation.
In English, I passed the state English Test, good listening, speaking, writing and translation skills.
Four years of study and training, so I learned not only professional knowledge and improve the overall quality, more importantly, taught me how to behave, my rigorous practical training, Seeking innovative personal accomplishment. In efforts to study the professional knowledge, I continue to enrich themselves, to make their own efforts to become today's society needs the compound talents.
In addition to school life I work hard to learn book knowledge, but also continue to participate in extracurricular sports activities, in order to improve their overall quality, usually I like to play basketball which I have a good body of work provides for the future is good foundation. During the internship, I come into contact in the hospital all kinds of people, so my communication level has been greatly improved.
I recommend with confidence to your own, if fortunate enough to become a member of your company, I would like to start small, start now, open-minded diligence, hard work and continuous learning in practice, play to their initiative, creativity, best to add a luster to the development unit.
Finally, regardless of whether you choose me, want your business flourishing. Here I am waiting for good news.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-03 14:43

Recommendation letter from the
Dear leaders:
Thank you for your busy schele to benefit view this letter, thank you for giving young people a positive opportunity to fully display their.
While in college studying in a rigorous manner, in learning, I focus on the actual abilities, the professional knowledge and practice, and actively participate in various social activities, I have learned into practice, and constantly enhance their work ability to carry out the work for the future and lay a solid foundation.
In English, I passed the state English Test, good listening, speaking, writing and translation skills.
Four years of study and training, so I learned not only professional knowledge and improve the overall quality, more importantly, taught me how to behave, my rigorous practical training, Seeking innovative personal accomplishment. In efforts to study the professional knowledge, I continue to enrich themselves, to make their own efforts to become today's society needs the compound talents.
In addition to school life I work hard to learn book knowledge, but also continue to participate in extracurricular sports activities, in order to improve their overall quality, usually I like to play basketball which I have a good body of work provides for the future is good foundation. During the internship, I come into contact in the hospital all kinds of people, so my communication level has been greatly improved.
I recommend with confidence to your own, if fortunate enough to become a member of your company, I would like to start small, start now, open-minded diligence, hard work and continuous learning in practice, play to their initiative, creativity, best to add a luster to the development unit.
Finally, regardless of whether you choose me, want your business flourishing. Here I am waiting for good news

热心网友 时间:2024-01-03 14:44

Cover Letters
Dear leaders:
Thank you for your busy schele to benefit view this letter, thank you for giving young people a positive opportunity to fully display their.
While in college studying in a rigorous manner, in learning, I focus on the actual abilities, the professional knowledge and practice, and actively participate in various social activities, I have learned into practice, and constantly enhance their work ability to carry out the work for the future and lay a solid foundation.
In English, I passed the state English Test, good listening, speaking, writing and translation skills.
Four years of study and training, so I learned not only professional knowledge and improve the overall quality, more importantly, taught me how to behave, my rigorous practical training, Seeking innovative personal accomplishment. In efforts to study the professional knowledge, I continue to enrich themselves, to make their own efforts to become today's society needs the compound talents.
In addition to school life I work hard to learn book knowledge, but also continue to participate in extracurricular sports activities, in order to improve their overall quality, usually I like to play basketball which I have a good body of work provides for the future is good foundation. During the internship, I come into contact in the hospital all kinds of people, so my communication level has been greatly improved.
I recommend with confidence to your own, if fortunate enough to become a member of your company, I would like to start small, start now, open-minded diligence, hard work and continuous learning in practice, play to their initiative, creativity, best to add a luster to the development unit.
Finally, regardless of whether you choose me, want your business flourishing. Here I am waiting for good news.


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