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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-25 13:33



热心网友 时间:2023-08-26 03:34

The numerical control technology is the development emerging high-techinstry and the state-of-art instry enables the technology. Variouscountries defense instry and so on information instries,biological instry, aviation, astronautics widely uses the numericalcontrol technology, sharpens the manufacturing capacity and the level,enhances to the market adaptiveness and the competitive ability.
1. Numerical control technology and equipment development tendency
The numerical control technology application not only hasbrought the revolutionary change for the traditional manufacturinginstry, causes the manufacturing instry to become theinstrialization the symbol, moreover along with the numericalcontrol technology unceasing development and the application domainexpansion, to the national economy and the people's livelihood someimportant profession national defense, the automobile and so on thedevelopment more and more vital role, these profession equipmentdigitizations already was the modern development major tendency
1. High speed 2, precise processing: 3rd, high efficiency 4.Opening 5. Compound
2. World numerical control engine bed instry market andexpense demand
1. Market demand development and pattern change
The world equipment manufacturing instry market is makinggreat strides forward to the comprehensive information direction, thetechnological development main performance for the flexiblemanufacture system, the computer integration manufacture systemdevelopment and the application, and develops to the manufactureintellectualization direction.
The market pattern performance for the colony development tendency,namely homogeneous instrial or the correlation instry enterpriseorganically gathers in the same place, through unceasingly innovateswins the competitive advantage
2. World engine bed instry proctive consumption and trade

-- Engine bed proction
In 2006 the world engine bed output value is 59.25 billion USdollars, with compared to increases 10.4%, increases nearly 5.6billion US dollars compared to 2005, the concrete data see Table 1.Before the world engine bed proction five are in turn: Japan 13.52billion US dollar, Germany 10.78 billion US dollar, China 7.06 billionUS dollar, Italian 5.45 billion US dollars with South Korean 4.14billion US dollars. In first five has three in Asia, two in Europe.
-- The engine bed expends
Starts from 2003, China became the global biggest engine bedto expend the country, also was in the world the biggest numericalcontrol engine bed imports the country. In 2006 China continued tomaintain the engine bed to expend the world first, imports first,proces third and exports the eighth status.
-- Engine bed trade
In 2006 the world engine bed total export is 33.73 billion USdollars, approximately composes the world engine bed output value 57%.This indicated the world engine bed proces one above the half is theexportation, keeps only four tenths which uses for oneself.

3. The Chinese numerical control engine bed instry is rising
Our country engine bed profession is being in the high speeddevelopment time, profession total output value and the sales incomecontinuously 6 years maintains 20% above the growth, the numericalcontrol engine bed expends continuously for 5 years to be situated theworld first. The strong market demand has brought the developmentopportunity, " 十15 " Period will be the numerical controlengine bed big development time, the country highly takes with thesupport development domestic proct numerical control engine bed, hasformulated the numerical control engine bed development plan, hasappeared the corresponding support policy, the domestically procednumerical control engine bed accounts for the domestic marketproportion 2010 to reach 50%
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