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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-03 00:06



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 13:22


A back injury prevented active participation in any sports for a while. 


We must adhere to the principle of voluntary participation. 


Their participation is subject to a number of important provisos. 


Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached. 


The agreement encourages worker participation in management decisions. 


Participation is encouraged at all levels. 



participation造句介绍如下:A back injury prevented active participation in any sports for a while.背伤曾一度妨碍积极参加任何体育运动。We must adhere to the principle of voluntary participation.我们必须坚持自愿参加的原则。Their participation is subject to a number of important provisos.他们...


You should take more participation in the outer world.

because of造句 6句

The game was cancelled because of the rain.比赛因为下雨而取消了。She had to stay home because her son fell ill.因为儿子生病所以她得待在家里。He claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness.由于长期生病,他申请救助金。My laundry will not dry because of the humidity.由于湿度...

typological造句 typologicalの例文 "typological"是什麼意思

It's difficult to see typological in a sentence. 用 typological 造句挺难的 Though the *** ysis of traditional architectural cpmate concepts , this thesis elaborates the space and technological forms of traditional architectural patterns in the dry - and - cold and dry - and -...


They moved here because of the baby.他们为了孩子而搬家到这里。I study because I want to learn.我学习是因为我想学到知识。An old coin was dug up in the garden.在花园里挖出了一枚古硬币。


evaluation和assessment造句如下:1、The contractor's estimate for the cost of the renovation was too high.承包商对翻新的成本估算过高。2、The scientist's estimate of the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the factory was based on air quality measurements and production data.科学家对工厂...


cancel造句如下:1.If you no longer plan to use an old Account, callyour old ISP to cancel yourISP service, otherwise you will continue to be billed for it.如果您不想再使用某个旧帐号,可以请旧ISP取消那项服务;否则您必须继续支付那个帐号的费用。2.Pentagon official said the US and...


Companies can give workers gym memberships, or encourage participation in lectures on healthy eating and living.公司可以为员工办理健身房的会员,或鼓励他们参加关于健康饮食和健康生活的讲座。Did you give the waiter a tip?你给服务员小费了吗?I think it was during the 1600s and the ...

because of造句 6句

They moved here because of the baby.I study because I want to learn.An old coin was dug up in the garden.We win the game because of his participation.i was late for school this morning because of the heavy rain.l like New Year's Day because of lots of pesents....


surf in the ocean, participation or attendance at a sporting match, a barbecue with friends and spending time with family. 周末活动通常是在海中游泳或冲浪、参加或观看体育比赛 、同朋 友们 一 起烧烤 ,以及陪家人共度闲暇时光。And when the phone rings, one touch to the headset and...

participation造句简单 willingness造句 act as造句 participation英文 exhibit造句 department造句 adaptation造句 responsible造句 electronic造句
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