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英语作文, 假如你是初三学生,你们班里有许多学生经常为上网娱乐的事情跟...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-16 07:16



英语作文, 假如你是初三学生,你们班里有许多学生经常为上网娱乐的事情跟...

First, students can select the appropriate relaxations on working days, but are not allowed to surf online. We may (这里写一些自己喜欢的活动,像下下象棋,看看名著啥的).Second, we can browse news, music, sports or science and other information on weekends. No matter what time, p...


we can spend our holiday going sightseeing. Nature could help us forget all the troubles and relax better than ourselves. Then once we get back to our work or study,


你可知道,你浪费的钱里有多少血和泪;你可知道,你浪费的那些钱里包含着你们父母多少辛苦的劳作啊!时光似箭,日月如梭。 我们马上又要迎来一个新的学年,如果再不好好把握机会,你就将失去了人生的大好学习机会。 我相信,只要你好好把握即将流逝的时光,就一定能赢得人生的美好时光,加油吧,重新回到我们奋发向上的班集...


How is everything going? I have some trouble on study. I usually failed in my all the suspect , I do not understand my teacher said, and my classmates ofen make jokes abuot my.I really don’t like my school ,I am a stude...

...英语作文 假如你是初三学生林方,Mr Brown你班的新外籍英语教师。为啦...

Dear Mr Brown I'm glad to tell you something about my school life. My name is Lin Fang, I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning and go to school at seven. Classes begin at 7:30. We have eight classes every day.There are four classes in the morning,and four classes...

英语作文 假如你是九年级(2)班班长,最近你对班上同学课后放松方式进行了...

There are 60 students in my class(31 boys and 29 girls ).(我们班有60名学生<31名男生,29名女生>)Different students have different ways to relax(不同的学生有不同的放松方式).Half of the students often watch TV.(有一半学生经常看电视来放松)12students like to play computer ...

英语作文 描述:题目:假设你是育才中学的学生张华,刚刚在澳大利亚的...

I am a student in Yucai Middle School. My name is Zhanghua. I am going to Australia for a month’ exchange study. I feel very excited and a little stressed. I hope I can study a lot and get on well with my new classmates and friends. I hope you can give me some ...


As the summer holiday is coming, I'd like to take apart in an activity named"Kids summer camp".During the activity,I'll teach the children to read.The books are such real eye-opener that they can know more about the world.Maybe,I can find some fantastic stories to attract ...


亲 我来帮你写 要给分哦 At present, many schools are always holding examinations for increasing the college entrance possibility. Some students think exams are good, because they think exams help prove the students' ability, however, some students do not think so, they think exam ...


of people who need our help.After all, being a volunteer is beneficial for both us and those who need help. And I want to advocate more people to take part in this meaningful activity which will be a very precious lesson for us in the future.Thank you!希望可以帮到你!

我们学校有许多学生的英语 我们班有许多学生英语 目前学生们经常有许多担忧 学校里有许多学生 我们学校有许多学生 我们的班级英语作文 有关课外兴趣班的英语作文 介绍班级情况的英语作文 三楼有许多学生
...了富人家的少爷,少爷跟丫鬟私通有了孩子,她被送去了美国_百度... ...Pn=7.5KW,Un=110V,In=79.84A,转速Nn=1500r/min,电枢 ...= 13KW,Un=220V,In = 68.7A,nN=1500r/min,deleta 最大为30%,求串... ?题目 高手来做下哈 ,急,急,急,一台他励直流电动机,Pn=10KW,Un=220V... 为什么要延长研究生的学制呢? 已知P(A)=0.4,P(AB)=P(AC)=0.2,P(ABC)=0.1,求P((B+C)A) 已知A、B独立,P(A)=0.4,P(B)=0.3,求P(AB) 怎么算啊? 奥运会冠军有谁 1, P(A)=0.4 P(AB)=0.2 P(A|B)+P(A非|B非)=1 求P(A并B) 2, 证明若P... 奥运冠军刘焕华个人资料 2014年铜陵教师资格面试现场审核需要哪些材料? 2014年铜陵教师资格考试面试评分标准 癞蛤蟆养在桶里要不要放水 为什么我放水后就死了很多只了 荔枝的电池容量是多少 Liu Yu,a good runner is serious about running. 一道选择题,为什么... liu yu能组成什么词语?? liuYu交流接触器CJ12一150/3为什么接触分分合合产生火花? 安卓12媒体转码设置耳机 萝莉音的意思是什么 冷案豪门少爷失踪是多少集 17度穿冬季睡衣合适吗 如何去推销进口红酒? 索尼酷拍AS50能拍4K吗? 索尼AS50可以拍摄4K视频么? 索尼酷拍的GPS功能有什么用处? 0.001的 算术平方根是几 怎么计算空心方阵人数? ...叔爸家的叔表姊/叔表兄/叔表妹/叔表弟是外戚。大家明白了吧?_百 ... 用伴娘造句(大约30个左右) 成年子女与父母的相处:做回自己,停止为彼此而活 疏通地漏最快的方法 地漏疏通最快的方法 如何防止别人盗取? 在MAME模拟器中,哪个版本兼容的游戏最多? 如何防止被盗? 求Mame32 Plus 0.116U4 中文版能用的roms 如何防止自己的被盗? 怎样保护不被盗 如何防止被盗取? 肖安娜的社会评价 得失造句怎么造 赣锋锂业股吧年报?最新赣锋锂业怎么样?赣锋锂业后市发展? 营养师证白考了吗 考完有什么用 西师版六年级上册语文课文原文精选 只会发表情包的人是不是砸到脑的发信息只? 我是一个爱惜时间的孩子(作文)500字 国内专业做仪器仪表推广的网站都有哪 公司是做仪器仪表的,生产品现在想在网络平台是做推广,选什么平台和网站... 仪器仪表行业那家销售、维修、服务最好 仙桃居民到武汉哪里办理个人港澳通行证