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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 13:14



热心网友 时间:2023-12-08 23:30

Read this. If you can't then dont even think about it.

Applicants accepted: 12.2%
Number of 2006 applicants: 6,810
Number of 2006 matriculants: 558
LSAT range (25 to 75 percentile): 169 to 175
GPA range (25 to 75 percentile): 3.95 to 3.72
Good grades and a high score on the LSAT. Even if you do poorly in school and on the LSAT, it shouldn't be a problem if you have rich parents.

You should look at www.law.harvard.e for exact stats, but I think its around 169- 175 LSAT, 3.75-4.0 GPA. These are just the median (25% to 75% range) but it should give you an idea of where you stand.

Theres also a really good guide on how to get into the law school. Check out the guide in the related links at the bottom of this page titled "How to get into Harvard Law School"

According to harvard.e: "The applicant must have earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university by August of the year for which they are applying. Said applicant must also have taken and passed the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Applicants generally rank in top 10% of their college's graating class in the top 5% of the LSAT. Percentile requirements are sometimes waived as candidates are judged on their overall ecational ability/achievements and societal attributes. Approximately 7,000 students apply each year for 550 law school openings."
The most important aspect is to have great grades in school. Harvard wants you to do well in accelerated classes rather than to exceed in regular classes. Consider taking honors or AP classes. If you have anything less than a high "B" average then you have very little chance of getting in.
You also need to do very well on standerdized tests. Make upwards of 1300 on SAT1 or from 30 to 36 on the ACT. Consider taking test prep.
In terms of extracurricular activities quality is better than quantity.
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