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i see your monster是什么电影的主题曲

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 13:04



热心网友 时间:2023-05-22 11:47

《I See Your Monsters》是电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》的主题曲。

《I See Your Monsters》歌曲原唱是Katie Sky,收录发行于2014年5月11日的专辑《Monsters》中。



I see your monsters

I see your pain

Tell me your problems

I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse

I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

In the dark we we

We stand apart we we

Never see that the things

That we need are staring right at us

You just want to hide hide hide

Hide never show your smile smile

Stand alone when you need someone it's the hardest thing of all

That you see are the bad bad bad

Bad memories take your time and you'll find me

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

I could see the sky sky

Sky beautiful tonight night

When you breathe why can't you see

The clouds are in your head

I would stay there there

There's no need to fear fear

And when you need to talk it out

With someone you can trust

What you see are the bad bad bad

Bad memories take your time

And you'll find me

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

I'll chase them all away

You've got the chance to see the light

Even in the darkest night

And I'll be here like you were for me

So just let me in

'Cause I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

以上内容参考 QQ音乐-I See Your Monsters

i see your monster是什么电影的主题曲

《I See Your Monsters》是电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》的主题曲。《I See Your Monsters》歌曲原唱是Katie Sky,收录发行于2014年5月11日的专辑《Monsters》中。《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》是美国漫威影业公司出品的科幻电影。影片改编自美国漫威漫画,是漫威电影宇宙的第22部电影,讲述了在《复仇者...

isee you monster是什么歌?

i see you monster的歌曲是《Monsters》。《Monsters》是由Timeflies/Katie Sky演唱的单曲,收录于专辑《After Hours》,发行于2014年4月29日。歌词:I see your monsters, I see your pain 我看到你心里的野兽看到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems,I'll chase them away 告诉我你的麻烦我会把它们赶...


歌曲:《Monsters》演唱:Katie Sky 作词:Catherine Cheadle/The Tune Park 作曲:Catherine Cheadle/The Tune Park 歌词:I see your monsters, I see your pain 我看到你心中的怪物,也感受到你的痛苦 Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away 向我倾诉你的困扰,我会帮你驱散它们 I'll b...



isee you monster是什么歌?

《Monsters》。"i see you monster,I see your pain..."这首歌叫作《Monsters》,歌手Katie Sky所发行的歌曲,这也算得上是一首经典老歌曲了。歌手Katie Sky是英国人,除去这首《Monsters》也还有很多好听歌曲的。《Monsters》这首歌,是非常有正能量的一首歌曲。《Monsters》是发行于2014年5月的...

isee you monster是什么歌?

《Monsters》是歌手Katie Sky在2014年的5月份发行的专辑,专辑里面不仅收录了同名的歌曲还有其它多首曲子,这些音乐作品,大部分都是Katie Sky自己原创出来的曲目,《Right Words》也是收录在这部专辑里面的曲子,Katie Sky的嗓音特别吸引人,配合自己的优势所创造出来的曲目,真的很适合她来演唱。


《Monsters》歌曲演唱:Katie Sky,作词:Catherine Cheadle/The Tune Park,专辑:《Monsters》,语种:英语,流派:Singer Songwriter,唱片公司:启韵传媒,发行时间:2014-05-11。Katie Sky,英国歌手、词曲作者;代表作《Monsters》。歌词:I see your monsters I see your pain Tell me your problems...

isee you monster是什么歌?

这首歌叫作《Monsters》,歌手Katie Sky所发行的歌曲,这也算得上是一首经典老歌曲了。歌手Katie Sky是英国人,除去这首《Monsters》也还有很多好听歌曲的。《Monsters》这首歌,是非常有正能量的一首歌曲,一开始大家都是因为这首歌曲的旋律所吸引,但是更多的网友知道了该歌曲的深层意思以后,就更加的...


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